Chapter 27

  1. What are the deadly dozen chest injuries?
    • 1. Airway Obstruction
    • 2. Bronchial disruption
    • 3. Diaphrammatic tear
    • 4. Esophageal injury
    • 5. Open pneumothorax
    • 6. Tension pneumothorax
    • 7. Massive hemothorax
    • 8. Flail chest
    • 9. Cardiac tamponade
    • 10. Thoracic aortic dissection
    • 11. Myocardial contusion
    • 12. Pulmonary contusion
  2. What is an open pneumothorax?
    Generally from a penetrating wound, also called a sucking chest wound?
  3. What is a spontaneous pneumothorax?
    When a weak area ruptures spontaneously, generally happens with athletes. The weak are is called a "bleb."
  4. What is a tension pneumothorax?
    Generally caused by blunt injury to the chest.
  5. What are the common signs and symptoms of a tension pneumothorax?
    • 1. Increasing respiratory distress
    • 2. Alter level of consciousness
    • 3. Distended neck veins
    • 4. Deviation of the trachea to the opposite side of the tension pneumothorax.
    • 5. Tachycardia
    • 6. Low blood pressure
    • 7. Cyanosis
    • 8. Decreased breath sounds on the side of the tension pneumothorax.
  6. What is a hemothorax?
    It is when blood collects in the pleural space around the rib cage from a lung or great vessel.
  7. What is cardiac tamonade?
    When the pericardium (the pericardial sac) around the heart fills with blood or fluid.
Card Set
Chapter 27
Chest Injuries