________________ are evolved in a way that works for a particular species
life histories
Define random spacing
There is no predictable pattern of distribution of individuals, they are as likely to be in any one place as any other.
There is no predictable pattern of distribution of individuals, they are as likely to be in any one place as any other.
Define random spacing
Define clumped and aggregated grouped
groups tend to be found together
A/An _________ flat
A/An _________ bluff
A/An _________ glade
A/An _________ field
In a broader sense, clumps may be distributed ___________ or in a _____________.
randomly, pattern
In reguards to spacing/grouping, ______________ is even spacing between individuals.
even or uniform
Give some examples of even or uniform spacing..
honeycomb, breeding sunfishes
List four causes of clumped spacing patterns
- 1] Habitat patchiness
- 2] Mode of reproduction
- 3] Mode for foraging
- 4] Defense
List three things that could cause habitat patchiness
- 1] Distribution of moisture
- 2] Distribution of food
- 3] Distribution of cover
Modes of reproduction that can cause clumped spacing patterns
- vegetative reproduction by underground stems
- dispersal radius of seeds
- gathering to find mates ( leks, mayfly swarms)
How can the mode of foraging effect spacing patterns?
hunt together
How can an organisms defensive strategy effect spacing patterns?
flacks of birds see danger, musk oxen form rings, "selfish herd" - groups to let the other guy get eaten while you hide in the masses
Territoriality of birds and the release of toxins by plants is a form of __________________. This causes _______ distribution.
competitive interaction, even
Attributes of spacing often are due the _______________ in animals.
social system
Define society...
a group of individuals of the same species orgainized in a cooperative manner.
What is society based on?
communication (visual, auditory, chemical)
Define society
a group of individuals of the same species organized in a cooperative manner
What is society based on?
What could be a disadvantage to society (a group of individuals of the same species)?
attraction of predators, transmission of disease, social stress, local food shortage
What could be an advantage to society ( a group of individuals of the same species)?
Protection from predators, increase foraging effeiciency, allogrooming
In reguards to a society, how can protection from predators be provided via 'confusion'?
hard for a predator to decide which one to chase
In reguards to a society, how can protection from predators be provided via 'physical defense'?
ants, wasps, etc. can attack en masse
Descirbe what the statment 'selfish herd' means?
- individuals in the middle are most safe
- bird nest in the middle of a colony are safer from predators
- fishes in a school dart inward, safer individuals constantly change as the school rolls inward
In reguards to a society, how can one increase foraging efficiency? 5 things.
- One could spend more time feeding, less watching so can feed better in groups ex: birds
- predators stand a better chance of flushing prey
- learn to act like other in group (called....?)
- information transfer
- hunting strategy
Define social facilitation
- learn to act like others in the group
- if one individual discovers a more efficient means to do something, others can pick up on it
The choice between being social or territorial may depend on __________________.
distribution of resources
In making the choice between being social or territorial, list examples of how one may be preferred over the other.
- Social-if resources are patchy you can't defend your share so be social and search for the patches together
- Territorial-if resources are evenly distributed, being territorial may work best
Define eusociality
obligatory social behavior with precise roles for different members
What are some characteristics of eusociality?
cooperative rearing of young, fairly permanent colony (i.e., offspring mostly remain cooperatively associated with parents), dibision of labor (e.g., sterile and reproductive castes)
The special genetic system of a typical eusociality type society is __________.
In a eusociality type society, the female (queen) mates during a ___________ to store sperm.
Nuptial flight
In the special genetic system, haplodiploidy, fertilized egges produce __________ and unfertilized egges produce ________.
females (workers), males
In the special genetic system, haplodiploidy, females are _________ and males are _________.
diploid, haploid