Biology: Meiosis I

  1. What are the 6 phases of Meiosis I?
    • 1) Prophase I
    • 2) Prometaphase I
    • 3) MetaphaseI
    • 4) Anaphase I
    • 5) Telophase I
    • 6) Cytokinesis
  2. What happens in Prophase I?
    • - DNA replication starts
    • - homologous chromosomes pair (bivalents)
    • - form synapses
    • - bivalent has 2 chromos., 4 chromatids, 1 chromo. from each
    • parent
  3. what happens in Prometaphase I?
    • - nuclear membrane disappears
    • - 1 kinetochore per chromo, rather than 1 per chromatid
    • - chromos. attach to spindle fibers, beginning to move
  4. What happens in Metaphase I?
    • - Bivalents align at metaphase plate (2 chromos, 4 chromatids)
    • - in random orientation
    • - each parental homologue crossing each (50/50 chance)
  5. What happens in Anaphase I?
    • -Chiasmata seperate (divided equally)
    • - chromos. each w/ 2 chromatids move to separate poles
    • - daughter cells are now haploid (23 chromos)
    • - each chromo has 2 chromatids
  6. What happens in Telophase I?
    - nuclear envelopes reform and cell quickly starts Meiosis II
  7. What happen in Cytokinesis?
    - 2 complete daughter cells form
Card Set
Biology: Meiosis I
Phases of Meiosis I