Biology: Basics of Meiosis

  1. Definition of Asexual reproduction:
    Form of duplication using only mitosis
  2. Example of asexual reproduction:
    A new plant grows out of the root or a shoot from an existing plant
  3. Asexual reproduction produces?
    Only genetically identical offspring (since division is by mitosis)
  4. Offspring of asexual reproduction is called?
    Clones- each is an exact copy of the original organism
  5. Define Sexual reproduction:
    Formation of new individual by a combination of two haploid sex cells (gametes).
  6. Sexual reproduction fertilization:
    Combination of genetic information from two separate cells that have one half the original genetic information
  7. Gametes for fertilization:
    • Come from separate parents
    • 1. Female- egg
    • 2. Male- sperm
  8. Define haploid:
    A single set of chromosomes
  9. Are both parent gametes diploid or haploid?
  10. What is the new individual called?
  11. Define zygote:
    Has two sets of chromosomes (diploid).
  12. Meiosis is a process to convert ______ cell to a ______ gamete.
    diploid; haploid
  13. Meiosis causes a change in the genetic info to increase what?
    Diversity in the offspring.
  14. Diploid set for humans;
    2n = 46
  15. Homologous chromosomes are ___ from each parent.
    one; (humans = 22 sets of 2
  16. How many sex chromosomes do humans have?
    1 set of 2.
  17. Female-sex chromosomes are __________ (XX).
  18. Male-sex chromosomes are ___-________ (XY).
  19. Define karyotype:
    A pictorial display of metaphase chromosomes from mitotic cell.
  20. Karyotyping uses what kind of pairs?
    Homologous chromosomes.
  21. Number of sets of chromosomes in the Haploid (n)?
    • One set
    • - eggs and sperm are haploid (n)
  22. Number of sets of chromosomes in Diploid (2n)?
    • Two sets
    • - most plant and animal adults are diploid (2n)
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Biology: Basics of Meiosis
Basic of Meiosis