Femur and Pelvic Girdle

  1. For an AP projection of the femur, where is the CR?
    CR perpendicular to the femur and IR.
  2. What pathology is demonstrated on an AP projection of a femur?
    Mid and distal femur is demonstrated, including knee joint for detection and evaluation of fractures and/or bone lesions.
  3. For a lateral projection of the femur, how much do you flex the knee?
    Flex knee apprioxmately 45 degrees.
  4. What makes an AP lateral view of the femur true lateral?
    medial and lateral femoral condyles should be superimposed and aligned with open femoropatellar joint space.
  5. What pathology is demonstrated on an AP pelvis projection ( Bilateral hip )
    Fractures, joint dislocations, degenerative disaease, and bone lesions are demonstrated.
  6. Where is the CR for bilateral hips ( AP pelvis )
    Midway between level of ASIS's and symphisis pubis ( approximately two inches below level of asis )
  7. What should you do to the feet when doing bilateral hips?
    Turn them 15 - 20 degrees internally.
  8. What structures do you see in a bilateral hip?
    Pelvic girdle, l5, sacrum and coccyx, femoeral heads and neck, and greater trochanters.
  9. For an AP bilateral ( FROG LEG ) projection, what is another name for it and where is its CR?
    It is known as the Modified Cleaves Method. The CR is 3 inches below the level of ASIS.
  10. For modified cleaves method ( AP bilateral frog leg ) how much do you abduct the legs? How much should you flex the knees?
    You flex the knees 90 degrees and abduct them 40 - 45 degrees.
  11. What pathology do you see in a Modified Cleaves method?
    Developmental dysplasia of hip ( Congenital hip dislocation )
  12. For the taylor method, what pathology is demonstrated?
    Views the bilateral pubes and ischia to allow asssesment of pelvic tramua for fractures and displacement.
  13. For the taylor method ( AP Axial outlet projection ) where is the CR and how much do you angle the tube?
    The CR is 1 - 2 inches below greater trochanters. Tou angle the tube 20-35 degrees for males and 30-45 degrees for females cephalad.
  14. For the AP axial inlet projection, what pathology is demonstrated?
    Views pelvic trauma for posterior displacement or inward/outward rotaiton of anterior pelvis.
  15. For axial inlet projection, where is the CR and how much do you angle the tube?
    CR is at the midline point level of the asis and angled 40 degrees caudad.
  16. For a posterior obliquie pelvis, what is another name for it and what pathology is demonstrated?
    A posterior obliquie pelvis is known as the Judet Method and shows acetabular fracture or hip dislocation.
  17. Where is the CR for the Judet Method ( posterior Oblique ) and how much do you angle your patient?
    Angle your patient 45 degrees and CR at 2 inches distal and 2 inches medial to ASIS.
  18. The PA axial oblique acetabulum, what is another name for it and what pathology is demonstrated on there?
    Its also known as the teufel method, and is useful for evaluating acetabular fracture.
  19. Where is the CR located for the PA axial Obliquie Projection? ( Teufel Method )
    When anatomy of interest is direct CR perpendicular and centered to 1 inch below
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Femur and Pelvic Girdle
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