Nursing 111 Unit 2.txt

    • author "Maricar Tanner"
    • tags ""
    • description "Unit 2"
    • fileName "Nursing 111 Unit 2"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • What is caring in nursing
    • Foundational to why we are nurses and how we act as nurses
  1. What are some examples of caring in nursing
    • How we connect with others
    • Central to client-care
    • An essential part of nursing ethics
    • Necessary for healing in evry culture
  2. Describe caring by nurturing
    • Being with one we value
    • Doing for others what they cant do
    • Helping others through life events
    • Helping others sustain hope through life events
  3. What are some examples of clients perception of care?
    • The nurse appearing competent and confident
    • Recognizing my uniqueness
    • Watching my progress closely
    • Buling a rapport
    • When my nurse is caring, I become more active in my own care
  4. What are some caring Nursing behaviors?
    • Being present
    • Touch
    • Listening
    • Knowing
    • Spiritual care
    • Family care
  5. What are the components of nursing ethics?
    • Autonomy
    • Beneficience
    • Nonmaleficience
    • Justice
    • Fidelity
  6. What is autonomy?
    • Client has the right to make their own decisions
    • Informed consent
    • Choose treatment based on wishes of the client
    • Living wills or advanced directives
  7. What is beneficence?
    • Action for good
    • Nurse acts for the good of the client
    • Clients good is more important than nurses good
  8. What is nonmaleficence
    • Do no harm
    • Do no harm is as important as to do good
    • Balancing benefit and risk
    • When does the suffering associated with cure become too intense to warrent taking risk?
  9. What is justice?
  10. What are healthcare disparities?
    • When one group of people get less quality healthcare than another group.
    • Personal factors can contribute to it
  11. What if fidelity
    • Keeping promises
    • Supply the care you agreed to give to the client
  12. What is the nurses code of ethics?
    A contract with society that nurses have promised to uphold to safeguard clients from unethical, incompetent, and illegal practices
  13. What is advocacy?
    • Support the clients right
    • Health
    • Safety
    • Privacy
    • Report incompetence, unethical, impaired practice
  14. What is responsibility
    • Respect your obligations
    • Actively decide what your practice looks like
    • Maintaining competence
  15. What is accountability for the individual?
    • Take the consequences of your actions
    • Admit mistakes
    • Hold others accountable for safe practice
  16. What is confidentiality
    • HIPPA
    • Rights of client
    • Still have access to quality of care
  17. What are values?
    • Personal belief about worth
    • Reflect the individuals cultural and societal influences
  18. Describe value formation
    • Begins from birth
    • Formed by individual experiences in your enviroment
    • Expressed differently by different cultures
    • Societal institutions play a role in formation of values
  19. Describe value formation
    • has 3 steps
    • Determines where belief comes from
    • Requires tolerating differences
  20. What are the 3 steps to value formation?
    • Choosing- what are the possiblities
    • Prizing- has relevence to us
    • Acting- we act out value
  21. Where does belief come from?
    • Value
    • Fact
    • Opinion
  22. What is prejudice?
    Prejudging without knowledge
  23. What is bias?
    A belief we let develop because of a significant experience that has not been born.
  24. How do we develop prejudices and biases?
    When we do not adjust our beliefs and values over time, based on knowledge, experience and wisdom
  25. What is therapeutic communication?
    An interpersonal interaction between the nurse and the client during which the nurse focuses on the clients specific needs to promote an effective exchange of information
  26. What are some factors that affect communication
    • Self-esteem
    • Attitudes , values, beliefs
    • Emotions
    • Perceptions
    • Personality
    • Balance of power culture
    • Ohysical surroundings
    • Language
    • Educational level
    • Trust
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Nursing 111 Unit 2.txt
Nurs 111