335 6.2 Facial Skeleton

  1. mandible landmark
    • body (corpus) - main part of bone; forms chin
    • mental symphysis - where two halves fuse together
    • mental protuberance - formed at midline
    • mental spine (tiny holes) - on inner surface; point of attachment for muscle
    • mylohyoib line - on inner surface; muscle attachments
    • ramus - posterior projection upward
    • angle of the mandible - where posterior and inferior margins of ramus meet
    • coronoid process - projection from anterior part of ramus; temporal muscles inserts here
    • condylar process - articulates with skull allowing rotation of mandible
    • mandibular notch - separates coronoid and condylar process
  2. coronoid proccess
    • closest to the front of face
    • temporal muscle inserts here
  3. mandible articulates with
    • temporal bones
    • only moving joint of the skull
  4. maxilla bones
    • anterior roof of the mouth
    • anterior floor of the nose
    • forms upper jaw
  5. maxilla bones landmarks
    • zygomatic process - articulate with zygomatic bone
    • frontal process - superior most point of bone; articulates with frontal bone
    • alveolar process - arch containing the teeth
    • palatine process - horizontal projection; forms anterior and large part of hard palate
    • anterior nasal spine - midline of 2 maxilla bones
    • incisive foramen (hole) - at anterior aspect of hard palate; nasopalatine nerve
    • premaxilla - anterior most portion of the hard palate; clefts of the lip will occur here typially
  6. maxilla bones
    each articulates here
    • opposite maxilla
    • frontal bone
    • ethmoid bone
    • 1 nasal bone
    • 1 lacrimal bone
    • 1 zygomatic bone
    • 1 inferior nasal conchae
    • vomer bone
  7. palatine bones
    • posterior bony roof of the mouth
    • posterior floor of the nose
  8. palatine bones landmarks
    • serrated anterior border
    • smooth posterior border
    • posterior nasal spine
    • horizontal plate
    • joined to palatine process of maxilla to complete the hard palate
  9. palatine bones
    each articulates
    • opposite palatine bone
    • sphenoid bone
    • ethmoid bone
    • 1 maxilla bone
    • 1 inferior basal concha vomer bone
  10. Zygomatic bones
    makes up the cheekbone
  11. zygomatic bones
    • temporal process - articulates with temporal bone
    • maxillary process - articulation point with maxilla bone
    • infraorbital margin - below eye socket
    • frontal process - articulation point with frontal bone
  12. zygomatic bones
    each articulates with
    • 1 temporal bone
    • frontal bone
    • 1 maxillary bone
    • sphenoid bone
  13. lacrimal bones
    • smallest facial bones
    • form part of orbit medial wall
  14. lacrimal bones
  15. lacrimal bones
    each articulates with
    • frontal
    • ethmoid bone
    • maxilla
    • inferior nasal concha
  16. nasal bones
    form the bridge of the nose
  17. nasal bones landmarks
  18. nasal bones
    each articulates with
    • opposite nasal bone
    • ethmoid perpendicular plate
    • frontal bone
    • maxilla bone
  19. inferior conchae
    • form inferior, lateral nasal walls
    • creates inferior nasal meatus
  20. inferior conchae landmarks
    • puffed up, air filled appearing
    • scroll like
  21. inferior conchae
    each articulates with
    • 1 maxilla bone
    • 1 palatine bone
    • 1 lacrimal bone
    • 1 ethmoid bone
  22. concha v. conchae
    • concha - simgular
    • conchae - plural
  23. vomer bone
    unpaired midline bone making up the inferior and posterior nasal septum
  24. vomer bone landmarks
    plow shaped
  25. vomer bone
    • sphenoid bone
    • ethmoid bone
    • maxilla bones
    • palatine bones
Card Set
335 6.2 Facial Skeleton
Facial Skeleton