what term is used for "naked-seeded"?
what are the seed plants that do NOT form flowers?
what has seeds that are not covered by ovary or fruit tissue? (seed is naked, but not embryo)
are most gymnosperms evergreen or decidous?
4 major groups of extant gymnosperms?
cycads, conifers, ginkos, gnetophytes
Which gymnosperm groups has 300 species, is palm-like, and is in the tropics/subtropics?
which gymnosperm group has 1 species, is a tree, and is native to China?
which gymnosperm groups has 90 species, has a variable form, and wide range?
what gymnosperm groups has 700 species, are trees (coned), and are in high altitudes and latitudes
what does it mean when a plant is vascular?
it has phloem (transports sugars), and has xylem with treicheids (transport water)
what are the characteristics of Cycads?
Vascular, Dioecous, slow growing, highly toxic tissues if ingested, confused with ferns or palms, reproductive structures are cones (stobili), have ciliated sperm
What are the characteristics of ginkos?
vascular, unique fan- shaped leaves with paralell venation, slow growing, dioecous, deciduous, ciliated sperm
what are the applications of ginkos?
They can tolerate urban population, leaf extract can be taken to "enhance" memory and "improve" dementia
What are the characteristics of gnetophytes?
vascular, mostly dioecous, have 3 genera
what are the 3 genera of gnetophytes?
gnetum, ephedra, welwitschia
what are the characteristics of conifers?
vascular, have small-needlelike evergreen leaves (help reduce water loss and deal w/ short growing season),produce resin that functions as antifreeze, monoecious, reproductive structures are cones, multi year life cycle
what are the cone reproductive structures called?
In conifers, what is the small, pollen- bearing cone of the male?
In conifers, what is the large, seed bearing cone of the female?
What does dioecious mean?
structures are either male or female
what does monoecious mean?
individual plants have both male and female reproductive structures
which group has the largest living organism on Earth, the oldest plant on Earth, and the largest Biome on Earth?
what is the largest living organism on Earth?
Bristle cone (california)
What is the largest plant on Earth?
Giant Sequoia (California) (General Sherman)
What is the largest biome?
Northern Coniferous Forest (Taiga)
What is the plant group that dominates todays landcape?