
  1. The compound past is used to describe an action that happened only once: I ate dinner at Raul's house last night. We went to a movie. The compound past is formed by a conjugated form of "to have" plus the past participle of the verb.
  2. Compound Past Forms:
    a. am *
    b. ai
    c. a
    d. am *
    e. aţi
    f. au
    Note: To negate a past tense you add a 'nu' in front of the 'avea' helping verb. This often gets shortened to 'n-'.
    g. Nu am/N-am
    h. Nu ai/N-ai
    i. Nu au/N-au
    • a. I've
    • b. You've
    • c. He/She has
    • d. We've
    • e. You've all
    • f. They've
    • g. I did not
    • h. You didn't
    • i. They did not

    • *You can use the personal pronouns to stress who is the doer of the action.
    • Eu am făcut. (I did.)
    • Noi am făcut. (We did.)
  3. -a, -ea, -i, and -î verbs have the suffixes (?), (?), (?), and (?).
    -e verbs have 3 suffixes - (?), (?), and (?). They don't have a set standard for their conjugations. Best to learn them by heart.
    • (at), (ut), (it), and (ât)
    • (ut), (s), and (t)
  4. 1. -a
    a. Add
    b. da
    c. lua
    d. mânca
    e. sta
    f. alerga
    • a. (t)
    • b. dat (gave)
    • c. luat (took)
    • d. mâncat (eat)
    • e. stat (stayed)
    • f. alergat (ran)
  5. 2. -ea
    a. Replace with
    b. avea
    c. vrea
    d. putea
    e. bea
    f. vedea
    • a. (ut)
    • b. avut (had)
    • c. vrut (wanted)
    • d. putut (could)
    • e. but (drank)
    • f. vedut (seen)
  6. 3. -e
    a. Replace with
    b. If final consonant is d, change to
    c. Replace with
    d. If final vowel is i, change e to s
    e. Replace with
    • a. (ut)
    • b. (z)
    • c. (s)
    • d. (s)
    • e. (t)
  7. 4. -e examples
    a. începe
    b. crede
    c. scrie
    d. înţelege
    e. râde
    f. fierbe
    • a. început (started)
    • b. crezut (thought)
    • c. scris (wrote)
    • d. înţeles (understood)
    • e. râs (laughed)
    • f. fiert (boiled)
  8. 5. -i
    a. Add
    b. ieşi
    c. dormi
    • a. t
    • b. ieşit
    • c. dormit
  9. 6. -î
    a. Replace with
    b. urî
    • a. ât
    • b. urât
  10. a. Ai băut ultima bere din frigider?
    b. Da, de ce? N-am ştiut că ai vrut nişte bere.
    c. Ai spart masa!
    d. A fost spartă mai demult. *
    e. Aţi venit ieri?
    f. Pisicile au mîncat şoarecii.
    g. Noi n-am văzut nimic! **
    h. Ea niciodată n-a auzit nimic. **
    i. Ieri am primit o scrisoare de la el.
    j. Au mers pînă la vamă.
    k. Am vorbit toata ziua.
    l. N-au spus nimic. **
    m. Maşina n-a fost nicăieri. **
    • a. Did you drink the last beer from the refrigerator?
    • b. Yes, why? I didn't know that you wanted some beer.
    • c. You broke the table!
    • d. It was broken a while ago.
    • e. Did you all come yesterday?
    • f. The cats ate the mice.
    • g. We didn't see anything!
    • h. She never heard anything.
    • i. I got a letter from him yesterday.
    • h. They went up to the border.
    • k. We talked the whole day.
    • l. They didn't say anything.
    • m. The car wasn't anywhere.

    *Sometimes the past tense conjugation of the verb can be used as an adjective as well. Masculine and Feminine genders will be used.

    • ** Double-negatives are used in past tense negations.
    • nimeni (nobody)
    • nicăieri (nowhere)
    • niciodată (never)
    • nimic (nothing)
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Romanian Compound Past Tense