female secondary sex characteristics
- Hair growth, Breast development
- Menstruation, Sexual Desire
- Feminine body features , Ovulation
- Ovum Matures in ovary
- Sex Hormones produce in ovary
List 8 female sexual characteristics
- Fallopian tubes
- Uterus, Vagina
- Ovarys, Clitoris
- Hymen, Labia Majora
- Labia Minora
Burning while urinating and mucoid discharge with men,
vaginal discharge, painful urination and UTI women
Men= burning, itching, anul discharge, penile discharge.
Women= inflammation, green-yellow discharge from cervix, soar
throat, anal discharge, and swollen glands
Women=fluid-filled vesicles appear on cervix,
Labia, vulva, vaginal discharge,
Male= glans; foreskin, or penile shaft
Burning on urination, frequency, itching
Purulen vaginal discharge, fever, and malaise lower
abdominal pain, sever pain on manipulation of the cervix
and adjoining structures.
1-Primary chancre lesions Female on cervix or labia
2-Generalized painless, non itching rash,hair loss, sore throat,
headache, loss of appetite, neusea, constipation, fever, pain in
bones and joints.
3-Latent stage, effecting other internal organs Asymptamatic
effects internal organs
4-Bening late, cardiovascular, neurological damage.
Frothy, white or yellow vaginal discharge, irritates the vulva
and has a characteristic foul odor