laryngitis, epiglottis and sepsis and meningitis

  1. laryngitis (croup)
    laryngeal dyspnea, most common in young children, wake up having trouble breathing
  2. clinical presentation of laryngitis
    increasing stridor(high pitched sound), barking cough
  3. tx of laryngitis
    • o2, nebulized racemic epinephrine alpha (vasocontr and dec subglottic edema)and beta (bronchodilation)
    • and dexa 0.6mg/kg oral or IM x one dose after discharge
  4. epiglottis def
    rapid, progressive inflammation of epiglottis
  5. etiology of epiglottis
    H inf type b
  6. clinical presentation of epiglottis
    rapid onset, respiratory distress, tripod position, drooling, dysphagia, dysphonia, fever
  7. tx of epiglottitis
    • establish airway-usually in operating room
    • abx therapy for H inf type b
    • -cefuroxime 150mg/kg/d q 8 h
    • -cefotaxime 150-200 mg/kg/d 1 6 h
    • -ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg/d q 12 h
    • treat for 10 day
  8. early onset neonatal sepsis
    • 7 d
    • Group B strep
    • Gm - enterics
    • list mono
  9. late onset neonatal sepsis
    • 7-30 d
    • group b strep
    • gm - enterics
    • list mono
  10. late onset neonatal sepsis
    • group b step
    • gm - enterics
    • list mono
    • staph aur
    • staph epid
    • pseudo aeru
  11. pts older than 1 month of age-organisms
    • strep pneu
    • hae inf-Type B
    • neiss menin
  12. clinical presntation of sepsis and mening
    • ha, fever, stiff neck
    • fontanelles allow pressure so no stiff neck, rather
    • feeding difficulty, irritability, apnea, temp instability
  13. tx for early onset neonatal sepsis
    • amp + gent
    • or
    • amp + cefotaxime
  14. tx late onset neonatal sepsis nonhosp
    • amp + gent
    • amp + cefotaxime, same as early
  15. tx late onset neonatal sepsis hosp
    • vanco + gent
    • or
    • vanco + cefotaxime
  16. tx for pts older than 1 month
    • ceftriaxone + vanco
    • **consider dexa if pt is >2mo old, b4 or w 1st dose of abx, prevents compications and hearing loss
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laryngitis, epiglottis and sepsis and meningitis