Clinical Chemistry 1.txt

  1. Nephron
    Functional unit of the kidney - filtration and reapsorbtion
  2. 3 steps of urine formation
    • 1. Filtration
    • 2. Reapsorbtion
    • 3. Storage
  3. Degree of kidney filtration depends on
    • Pt's blood pressure
    • Amount of blood reaching glomerulus
    • Laws of diffusion
  4. Freely filtered substances in the kidney include
    • H20
    • Electrolytes
    • Glucose
    • Amino acids
    • BUN & Creatinine
  5. BUN & Creatinine
    Non-protein nitrogenous waste products
  6. Urea comes from
    Protein breakdown --> ammonia -(liver)-> urea --> urine
  7. Creatinine comes from
    Muscle contraction --> creatinine --> urine
  8. Hormones that act on renal tubules
    • ADG
    • Aldosterone
  9. ADH
    • Released from pituitary
    • Tells renal tubules to reabsorb H20
  10. Aldosterone
    • Released from adrenals
    • Controls sodium reabsorption and pottasium excretion
  11. Normal glucose for dogs
  12. renal threshold for glucose
  13. Glucosuria
    If blood glucose is ABOVE renal threshold, filtered glucose will not get reapsorbed and glucose will be present in the urine
  14. Early AM urine collection advantages
    • Decreased H2O intake
    • Most likely to show urine concentration
    • Normal color is yellow
    • Renal failure, can't concentrate urine
    • Increased chance of observing abnormalities like crystals
  15. Early AM urine collection disadvantages
    Poor cytology because urine is "old", "old" cells
  16. 4 methods of collecting urine sample
    • Voided
    • Manual
    • Catheterization
    • Cystocentesis
  17. Voided (free catch) urine collection
    • Easiest on animal, clients can do, no iatrogentic trauma
    • Not best method for culture because of bact. contamination.
    • Mid-stream catch decreases contamination, collect into a clean container
    • cats = empty litter pan with beads
    • female dogs = pie pans
    • horses = stimulate urination by rubbing warm wet cloth on lower abdomen
    • cattle = stimulate urination by tickling vulva
  18. Manual expression urine collection
    • Can get bladder out of the way when pt is under anesthesia for abdominal surgery
    • may require anesthesia, big dogs with tense muscles are hard
    • May cause iatrogenic trauma and cause increased RBCs.
    • Could rupture the bladder.
    • Large animal = through rectum
  19. Catherterization
    • Can usually get sample right away
    • Can clear obstruction
    • Can monitor urinary output with a foley
    • Ok for culture
    • May require anesthesia, may produce trauma
  20. Cystocentesis
    • Can usually get sample right away
    • Does not require anesthesia, animals usually handle better then catheterization
    • Causes iatrogenic trauma --> RBCs
    • 22g needle about 1"-1.5" long, 6cc or 12cc syringe, can do in dorsal but also lateral or standing
    • Draw as much bladder as possible so hole shrinks, Do NOT redirect to avoid colon contamination
  21. Urine is good for ___________ at room temp
    30 mins
  22. Urine is good for ________ refrigerated
    6 hours
  23. When urine is left at room temp, over time...
    • Increased bact
    • Increased crystals
    • Urine gets cloudy
    • Cells disintegrate
    • Casts break down
    • pH changes (tends to increase)
  24. Chemically preserving urine
    • 1 gtt 40% formaldehyde to 1 oz. urine
    • If used, do chemistries first (dip stick)
  25. 4 parts of a routine U/A
    • 1. Macroscopic eval
    • 2. USG
    • 3. Urine chemistries
    • 4. Microscopic eval
  26. Urinalysis
    Determines the function of kidneys and other organs
  27. Macroscopic eval
    • Note color and concentration.
    • Normal = straw - amber
    • Dark yellow = increased concentration because of decreased H2O
  28. Hematuria
    • RBCS in urine. Red to reddish-brown and cloudy.
    • Inflammation
    • Trauma
    • Urolithiasis
    • Neoplasia
    • Coagulopathy
    • Rough cysto/catheter/manual
  29. Hemoglobinuria
    • HgB in urine
    • Red/reddish-brown and transparent
    • Usually with hemolytic plasma
    • AIHA
    • Incompatible blood transfusion
    • toxins/poisons/snake venom
    • RBC parasites
  30. Myoglobinuria
    • Myoglobin in urine
    • Red/reddish-brown
    • clear plasma
    • Muscle cell lysis:
    • Exertional rhabdomyolysis
    • Extreme muscle exertion
    • Crushing injuries
    • Heat stroke
    • Electric shock
    • Snake bites
  31. Bilirubinuria
    • Bilirubin in urine
    • Dark yellow/yellowish-orange/yellow brown
    • Stains fingers
    • Excessive hemolysis
    • HBO
    • Lover disease
  32. Normal canine/feline urine coloration
    Clear/transparent. Increased concentration = hazy
  33. Normal equine urine coloration
    Cloudy due to crystals and mucus
  34. Normal ruminant urine coloration
    • Clear if fresh
    • Cloudy after standing
  35. Normal lab animal urine
    Cloudy, almost milky, due to crystals
  36. Strong ammonia smelling urine may indicate _______________
    Cystitis due to urease + bacteria
  37. Sweet and fruity smelling urine may indicate ______________
    Pseudomonas or ketones (due to DM)
  38. Foam in urine may indicate _____________
  39. USG
    • Urine Specific Gravity
    • Evaluates renal-tubule function
    • (Response to ADH and reabsorption of H2O)
  40. Normal dog USG
    • Average 1.025
    • 1.018-1.045
  41. USG range to worry about
    1.008-1.012 (1.015 in the cat)
  42. Isosthinuric urine
    Same USG as glomerular filtration
  43. Fixed USG
    • range of 1.008-1.012 (1.015 in cats) that does change regardless of hydration status
    • 1/3-3/4 nephrons are non functional
    • Renal failure
  44. Reasons for decreased USG
    • Pale/Dilute Urine
    • Increased Fluid/Decreased "Stuff":
    • Pyometra
    • DI
    • Cushings
    • Diuresis
    • IV fluids
    • renal failure
  45. Reasons for increased USG
    • Increased concentration (dark yellow)
    • Dehydration
    • Acute renal failure/shut down
    • Shock
    • DM
  46. Carnivorous Urine pH
  47. Herbivorous Urine pH
  48. Omnivorous Urine pH
    Dependent on diet
  49. Acidic urine causes
    • high protein diets
    • nursing young
    • Protein catabolic states (high fever/starvation)
  50. Alkaline urine causes
    • Vegetable based diets
    • UTI caused by Urease + organism
    • Urine retention
    • Urine allowed to stand open to air at room temperature
  51. Normal animal should have ______________ protein in their urine
    • 0-trace amounts of protein when sample is a cysto
    • Slightly higher amounts from voided sample
  52. Proteinuria
    Usually indicates urinary tract and kidney disease
  53. Normal animals should have __________ glucose in their urine
  54. Glucosuria causes
    • Blood glucose exceeds the renal threshold
    • 160-180 mg/dl dogs
    • 280-300 mg/dl cats
    • DM
    • Stress/fear/excitement
    • High carbohydrate meal
  55. Normal animals should have _________ ketones in their urine
  56. Ketonuria causes
    • DM
    • Prolonged anorexia/starvation
    • ketosis in lactating and pregant cows and ewes (pregnancy toxemia)
  57. Centrifuge urine at ___________ rpm for _________ min
    1200-1500 rpm for 3-5 minutes
  58. Sedi-stain
    Used on urine sample to show nuclear detail on microscopic eval
  59. 3 types of epithelial cells
    • 1. Squamous Epithelial Cells
    • 2. Transitional Epithelial Cells
    • 3. Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells
  60. Squamous Epithelial Cells
    • found in distal 1/3 of erethrea, vagina, vulva, and prepuse.
    • Largest epithelial cell
    • Nucleas is size of an RBC
    • Normal in MILD amounts
  61. Transitional Epithelial Cells
    • Line bladder, ureters, renal peelvis, and proximal part of the urethra
    • Vary in size and shape
    • Round, pear shaped, caudate
    • Large nucleas
    • Granular appearance
    • normal in MILD amounts
    • Seen more with cysto
  62. Increased Transitional Epithelial Cells can indicate ___________________
  63. Inflammation
    • Urolithiasis
    • Neoplasia
    • Trauma
  64. Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells
    • Originate in the Renal Tubules
    • Hard to ID
  65. Triple Phosphate Crystals
    • Struvites
    • Alkaline urine
    • Normal in mild amounts
    • Increased amounts can indicate Urolethiasis
    • Coffin lids
    • Coloreless
    • Tx = acidify urine with diet
  66. Calcium Oxalate Crystals
    • Acidic urine
    • Normal in MILD amounts in dogs, cats, and occ. horses
    • Can indicate urolethiasis or ethylene glycol toxicity
    • Tx = make urine alkaline with diet
  67. Hippuric Acid Crystal
    • Form of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate
    • Always pathological
    • Indicate Ethylene Glycol toxicity
    • Look like picket-fence posts
  68. Calcium Carbonate Crystals
    • Common in horses
    • Reason urine is cloudy when combined with mucus
  69. Bilirubin Crystals
    • can be normal in dogs due to renal threshold for bilirubin
    • Increased indicates liver disease
  70. Ammonium Biurate Crystals
    • Due to increased excretion of uric acide in urine, this is normal in dalmations and primates
    • In all others can indicate portosystemic shunt and liver disease
  71. Cystine crystals
    • Never normal
    • Most common in dachshunds
  72. Tyrosine and Leucine Crystals
    • Never normal
    • Usually indicates severe liver disease
  73. Uric Acid Crystal
    • Normal in dalmations
    • Very little clinical significance
    • Form as urine stands or if temperature fluctuates
  74. Cholesterol Crystals
    • Can be normal
    • Can indicate severe kidney disease
    • RARE
  75. Urine Casts
    • Recorded in #/LPF
    • Form in lumen of distal renal tubules
    • Tamm-Horsfall protein forms a gelatin mold
    • Degenerate urine
    • Need more acidic urine
  76. Hyaline casts
    • 1-2/LPF normal
    • Colorless
    • parallel sides and rounded ends, cylinder shaped
    • Easily missed
    • Increased with fever, strenuous exercise, mild renal irritation
  77. Granular casts
    • 1-2/LPF normal
    • Increased numbers can indicate nephritis
  78. Cellular casts
    NEVER normal
  79. Erythrocyte casts
    • RBCs incorporated into the Tamm-Horsfall protein.
    • Deep yello to orange
    • Indicates bleeding in kidneys or pathologic
  80. Leukocyte casts
    • WBC in the tamm-horsfall protein
    • Disorganized arrangement
    • Indicates inflammation most likely due to pylonephritis
  81. Eputhelial Cell Casts
    • Contain renal tubular epithelial cells
    • hard to distinguish from WBC casts
    • More organized arrangement of granules
    • Indicates renal tubule damage
  82. Fatty Acid Casts
    • Contain fat droplets
    • DM or high fat diets
    • More common in cats
  83. Waxy cast
    • Rare
    • broader, square ends
    • more opaque then hyaline casts
    • Indicates chronic severe degeneration of renal tubules
  84. Urolithiasis
  85. Nidus
    • Something upon which a stone can form on
    • Bacteria, crystals, suture, etc...
  86. Acidic urine = _______ uroliths
  87. Alkaline urine = ___________ uroliths
  88. Triple Phosphate Stones
    • Most common in dogs and cats
    • Alkaline urine
    • Secondary to bacterial infection
    • Converts urea to ammonia wich increases pH
  89. Urate/Ammonium Urate Stones
    • Uric Acid Stone
    • Common in dalmations
    • Restrict protein
  90. Calcium Oxalate Stones
    • Hard stones with sharp protrusions
    • Can damage the bladder
    • Acidic urine
  91. Azotemia
    Increase in non-protein nitrogenous wastes in blood (BUN/Creatinine)
  92. BUN
    Measures level of urea in blood and therefor measures glomerular filtration
  93. Normal BUN
    • dogs 7-27 mg/dl
    • cats 16-36 mg/dl
  94. Increased BUN
    • Azotemia
    • increased protein diet
    • increased breakdown of body protein
  95. Decreased BUN
    • liver disease
    • Young animals
    • Diuresis
    • Starvation
  96. Creatinine
    Test measures level of creatinine in blood and measures flomerular filtration
  97. Normal creatinine
    • dogs 0.5-1.8 mg/dl
    • cats 0.8-2.4 mg/dl
  98. Increased creatinine
  99. Decreased Creatinine
  100. Pre-renal azotemia
    • Problem is BEFORE kidney
    • Concentrated urine thus kidney is workin
    • Increased BUN
    • Increased Creatinine
    • Increased USG
  101. Primary Renal Azotemia
    • Problem is with kidney
    • Dilute urine
    • 2/3-3/4 nephrons non functional due to age, nephrotoxins, lead and arsenic, drugs, and snake venome.
    • Filtration and function do not work
    • Increased BUN and Creatinine
  102. Post-renal azotemia
    • Probles is AFTER kidney
    • Increased BUN, Creatinine, and USG
    • Concentrated urine
    • Urinary obstruction/rupture
    • Emergency - can back up and cause primary azotemia
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Clinical Chemistry 1.txt