OB Test #2

  1. Transition period
    Phases the newborn goes through
  2. First period of Reactivity
    last up to 30 minutes
  3. Second period of Reactivity
    • 4-8hrs. after birth
    • last 10mins. to several hrs.
  4. Heart Rate
    • 160-180 Falls gradually after 30 mins. to
    • 100-120
  5. Respirations
    60-80 (irregular)
  6. Surfactant
    protein in lungs (to prevent from sticking)
  7. Apical pulse (PMI) point of maximal impulse
    4th intercostal space and to the left of midclavicular line
  8. Late clamping
    expands blood volume in newborn
  9. delayed >2mins
    • hyperviscosity (possible emboli)
    • increased H&H and RBC's
  10. WBC's
    • normal at birth (18,000 range 9,000-30,000)
    • rises 23,000-24,000 first day
    • stables at 11,500
  11. Platelets
    • 200,000-300,000 same in baby & adults
    • baby cannot synthesis Vit. K (for clotting)
  12. Brown fat
    helps baby maintain heat
  13. Heat loss
    • Convection
    • Radiation
    • Evaporation
    • Conduction
  14. Convection (heat loss)
    is the flow of heat from the body surface to cooler ambient air.
  15. Radiation (heat loss)
    is the loss of heat from the body surface to a cooler solid surface not in direct contact but in relative proximity.
  16. Evaporation (heat loss)
    is the loss of heat that occurs when a liquid is converted to a vapor.
  17. Conduction (heat loss)
    is the loss of heat from the body surface to cooler surfaces in direct contact.
  18. Cold stress
    • causes:
    • metabolic acidosis
    • hypoglycemia
    • hyperthermia
  19. Urine
    • 6-8 voidings per day of pale straw colored urine are indicative of adequate fluid intake after the first 3-4 days.
    • infants void 15-60ml of urine/day
  20. Jaundice
    Jaundice doesnt usually appear until the bilirubin level reaches 5mg/dl.
  21. Caput succedaneum
    easil identifiable edematous area of the scalp, most commonly found on the occiput.
  22. Cephalheatoma
    • is a collection of blood between a skul bone and its periosteum; therefore a cephalhematoma does not cross a cranial suture line.
    • (potential for serious complications such as jaundice)
  23. Subgaleal hemorrhage
    • is bleeding into the subgaleal compartment
    • (potential for serious complications such as anemia or hypovolemic shock)
  24. Babinski reflex
    the outer sole of the foot is stroked upward from the heel across the ball of the foot; this causes the big to eto dorsiflex and the other toes to hyperexten
  25. Normal Temp
    • average 37 C (98.6 F)
    • range 36.5 C (97.7 F) -37.2 C (98.96 F)
  26. Respiration Rate
    • 40 breaths/min
    • vary between 30 and 60 breaths/min or may be higher than 60 if newborn is very active or crying
  27. Heart Rate (Apical Pulse)
    120-140 beats/min
  28. Birth weight of a term infant typically ranges from 2500 to 4000g
    (5lbs. 8oz - 8lbs 8oz)
  29. The term neonate's head circumference ranges from 32 to 36.8cm
  30. In the term neonate, head to heel length ranges from 45 to 55cm
  31. Ketorolac (Toradol)
    has been shown to be effective in the management of postoperative neonatal pain.
  32. CRIES (neonatal pain scale)
  33. clorimazole or miconazole
    to help with diaper rash
  34. nystatin or fluconazole
    oral antifungal preparation to elimante any gastrointestinal source of infection
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OB Test #2
OB Test #2