Adjectives change depending on the gender of the noun and whether the noun is in the singular or plural.
1. 4-form adjectives end in consonants or -u
2. 3-form adjectives end in -c, -g, -esc or -iu
3. 2-form adjectives end in -e, -i or -ui
1. -consonant (4-form adjective)
a. m & n singular
b. f singular
c. m plural
d. f & n plural
a. no change
b. +ă
c. +i
d. +e
2. -u (4-form adjective)
a. m & n singular
b. f singular
c. m plural
d. f & n plural
a. no change
b. -u becomes -ă
c. -u becomes -i
d. -u becomes -e
3. -c and -g (3-form adjective)
a. m & n singular
b. f singular
c. plural
a. no change
b. +ă
c. +i
4. -esc (3-form adjective)
a. m & n singular
b. f singular
c. plural
a. no change
b. +ească
c. +eşti
5. -u and -iu (3-form adjective)
a. m & n singular
b. f singular
c. plural
a. no change
b. +ie
c. +ii
6. -tor (3-form adjective)
a. m & n singular
b. m plural
c. f singular & plural, n plural
a. no change
b. +tori
c. +toare
7. -e (2-form adjective)
a. singular
b. plural
a. no change
b. -e changes to -i
8. -i (2-form adjective)
a. m singular, m & f plural
b. f singular
a. no change
b. -i changes to -e
9. -ui (2-form adjective)
a. m singular, m & f plural
b. f singular
a. no change
b. +e
Beautiful - Frumos / Frumoasă / Frumoşi / Frumoase
Pretty - Drăguţ
Nice - Plăcut
Cute - Atrăgător
Ugly - Urât
Giant - Uriaş
Big - Mare
Small - Mic
Tiny - Micuţ
Microscopic - Microscopic
Intelligent - Inteligent
Smart - Deştept
Ignorant - Ignorant
Stupid - Prost
Excellent - Excelent
Superior - Superior
Wonderful - Minunat
Good - Bun
Well - Bine <-- all alone like that
Bad - Rău / Rea
Inferior - Inferior
Terrible - Groaznic
Horrible - Oribil
Sweet - Dulce
Fresh - Proaspăt
Interesting - Interesant
Amusing, Fun - Distractiv
Boring - Plictisitor
Tiresome - Obositor
Annoying - Agasant
Awake - Treaz
Tired - Obosit
Sleepy - Somnoros
Happy - Fericit
Sad - Trist
Strange - Ciudat
Strong - Puternic
Weak - Slab
Healthy - Sănătos
Sick - Bolnav
Lucky - Norocos
Fast - Rapid
Slow - Lent
Hot - Încălzit
Cold - Rece
New - Nou
Old - Vechi
Near - Aproape
Far - Departe
Wet - Ud
Dry - Uscat
Hard (opposed to soft) - Tare
Soft - Moale
Loud - Tăcut
Quiet - Liniştit
Alive - Viu
Dead - Mort
Bright - luminos
Dark - Întunecat
Clear - Clar
Dirty - Murdar
Hard (difficulty) - Greu
Easy - Uşor
Heavy - Greu
Light (opposed to heavy) - Uşor
High/Tall - Înalt
Short - Scurt
Low - Scund
Wide - larg
Narrow - Îngust
Filled - Plin
Empty - Gof