A330 Flight Crew Training Manual Flash Cards

  1. Are what speed indication do you retract the flaps to 2?
  2. What is the minimum speed to retract the flaps up?
  3. What is Green Dot Speed?
    Normal Clean Maneuvering Speed
  4. How is VFE NEXT displayed?
  5. What is VLS?
    • The minimum selectable speed that the autothrust system will maintain with the autopilot on or following flight director.
    • It is a fixed percentage above stall speed
    • It is the top of the Amber hook on the PFD
  6. What does the FMGC consider to computer VAPP?
    Winds on MCDU PERF APP Page
  7. How much wind is added to computer VAPP?
    • 1/3 of the headwind
    • No less than Vls + 5
  8. What is GCmini (Ground Speed Mini)?
    A speed designed to avoid a serious low energy situation from occurring due to loss of speed from a decreasing headwind windhsear.
  9. What are the Standard Callouts for Takeoff?
    • 80 KIAS �80 Knots, Thrust Normal�
    • PF should silently verify his airspeed is operating normally
    • V1 �V1�
    • Vr �Rotate�
    • Positive Rate �Positive Rate�
  10. What are the Standard Callouts for Takeoff?
    • 1,000 from Altitude �Out of _____ for _____�
    • Approaching Transition Altitude �Altimeters set to Standard�
    • Approaching Transition Level �Altimeters set to _____�
  11. What are the Standard Callouts for Approach and Landing?
    • Significant Speed Deviation �Speed Plus / Minus ___�
    • Significant VS Deviation �Sink _____�
    • At 500 AGL �500�
    • Etc.
  12. What are the Standard Callouts on Non-ILS Approaches?
    • Within 5 degrees of course �Approaching Course Inbound�
    • Approaching DH/DDA (100�) �Hundred Above�
    • At DH/DDA �Minimums�
    • CAPTAIN �Approach Lights In Sight�
    • �Runway in Sight�
    • �Missed Approach�
    • FO must acknowledge
  13. What are the Standard Callouts for ILS Approaches?
    • First Positive LOC Movement �Localizer Alive�
    • First Positive GS Movement �Glideslope Alive�
  14. What are the Standard Callouts for Cat I & Cat II ILS?
    • Approaching DH/DDA (100�) �Hundred Above�
    • At DH �Minimums�
    • CAPTAIN:
    • �Approach Lights In Sight�
    • �Runway in Sight�
    • �Missed Approach�
    • FO must acknowledge
  15. What are the Standard Callouts for Cat III ILS?
    • Approaching DH/DDA (100�) �Hundred Above�
    • At DH �Minimums�
    • CAPTAIN:
    • �Land�
    • �Missed Approach�
    • FO must acknowledge
  16. What are the Standard Callouts for Autoland Approaches?
    • No ROLLOUT Annunciated �No Rollout�
    • If Off Centerline �Steer Left/Right�
  17. What are the Standard Callouts During All Landings?
    • Spoilers �Spoilers Up� or �No Spoilers�
    • 80 Knots �80 Knots�
  18. What replies are sent to the Aircraft after the FMS Preflight INIT REQUEST?
    • Flight Plan
    • Initialization Information (INIT A and B)
    • Wind Package Cruise & Descent
  19. When should you leave the Climb Winds blank?
    When the winds are less than 3 hours old
  20. What is including in the ACARS WDR?
    • Fuel in Each Tank
    • Performance for up to 3 runways: FLEX and FULL
    • Climb Limit (CLIMB)
    • Runway Limit (RATOW)
  21. What does the Crew enter from the ACARS WDR?
    • ZFW Zero Fuel Weight
    • ZFCG Center of Gravity
    • BLOCK Block Fuel
    • Speeds: V1, Vr, V2
    • FLEX Temperature (Captain�s Discretion)
    • Flap and Stab Settings
  22. What items should be in the Departure Briefing?
    • WARTS:
    • W Weather
    • A Airfield
    • R Runway
    • T Taxi / Terrain
    • S Special Pages
  23. What items should be in the Takeoff Briefing?
    • HAA:
    • H Heading After Takeoff
    • A Airspeed Restrictions
    • A Altitude Restrictions / Clearance
  24. Describe the Normal Takeoff Procedure
    • Thrust:
    • Sidestick Half Forwad
    • Set Thrust to 1.1 EPR
    • Smoothly advance to FLEX / TOGA
    • Roll:
    • No NWS > 30 Knots
    • Set by 40 Knots
    • Sidestick Half Forward
    • Callouts:
    • 80 knots
    • V1
    • Vr 2 to 3 degrees per second
    • Positive Rate
    • Climb:
    • SRS (V2 +10)
    • 400 AGL HDG or Verify NAV
    • 1,500 AGL:
    • Thrust Reduction CLB Power
    • Acceleration Retract Flaps
    • Checklist
  25. What is different between a Normal and Special Takeoff Profile?
    • Thrust Reduction 1,500 AGL
    • Acceleration Height 3,000 AGL
  26. At what Crosswind level should you modify power application and what should you do?
    • 20 knots
    • Ensure symmetric acceleration to 1.1 EPR
    • Rapidly advance to 1.3 EPR
    • Smoothly advance to FLEX / TOGA
  27. At what speed will you have to use Manual Braking on a Rejected Takeoff and why?
    • 72 knots
    • No MAX Autobrakes below 72 knots
  28. What is the Flap Retraction Schedule on Takeoff?
    • 1,500 AGL:
    • F Retract to 1
    • S Retract to Up
  29. What Pitch Modes are used after Takeoff and FMA indications?
    • Managed Climb (not possible in HDG mode):
    • Column 2 Blue ALT
    • Magenta ALT for a constraint
    • Open Climb HDG or no Altitude or Speed Constraints:
    • Column 2 OP CLB
    • Pulling ALT Selector
    • Selected V/S or Flight Path Angel (FPA):
    • Column 2 V/S + 1800, Etc.
  30. When can the Autopilot be engaged after Takeoff (two conditions)?
    • 100 AGL
    • 5 Seconds after Takeoff
  31. Describe the Engine Failure Takeoff Procedure
    • Thrust:
    • Sidestick Half Forwad
    • Set Thrust to 1.1 EPR
    • Smoothly advance to FLEX / TOGA
    • Roll:
    • No NWS > 30 Knots
    • Set by 40 Knots
    • Sidestick Half Forward
    • Callouts:
    • 80 knots
    • V1
    • Vr 2 to 3 degrees per second
    • Positive Rate
    • Climb:
    • SRS (V2 or Current if Higher)
    • Use Rudder to Zero Sideslip Indicator
    • 400 AGL or Safely Airborne:
    • Set Rudder Trim
    • Engage Autopilot (if desired)
    • HDG or Verify NAV
    • 1,000 AGL:
    • Press ALT on FCU
    • Accelerate to Green Dot
    • Retract Flaps on Schedule
    • Green Dot:
    • Select MCT
    • Select OP CLB
    • Checklist ECAM Procedures
    • After Takeoff Checklist
Card Set
A330 Flight Crew Training Manual Flash Cards
Flight Crew Training Manual