Teaching Reading

  1. What is fluency?
    The ability to read text quickly and accurately, in a way that approximates the way we talk, using the proper phrasing and expression
  2. What does research tell us about fluency?
    • Repeated, oral, monitored reading improves reading fluency as well as overall reading achievement
    • Silent reading with no supprt does not increase readign fluency
  3. What else do we need to know about fluency?
    They spend less time and attention to decoding words so they can devote to thinking about the text so they can comprehend better
  4. Name 6 ways to develop fluency
    1) Repeated readings, 4 times
    2) Performance reading
    3) Readers Theatre
    4) Poetry reading
    5) Choral reading
    6) Echo reading
  5. Name some ways students acquire vocabulary (7)
    • Communication
    • Oral Language
    • Practice
    • Talking and listening to and with others
    • Wide reading
    • Reading in context
    • Direct instruction
  6. How and when do we do direct instruction?
    • Only a few at a time
    • Teach in menaingful context
    • Activate and develop schema
    • Provide rich and varied information
    • Multiple exposure to text
    • Keep students actively involved
    • Use a variety of strategies
    • teach before, during and after reading of text
  7. 3 dteps to direct instruction (I,D,R)
    • Introduce the word
    • Develop the understanding of the word
    • Review the word in follow up
  8. Vocabulary instruction should:
    • Help students link new words to what they already know
    • Develop an extensive word knowledge (definition, antonyms, synonyms,examples and non-examples, multiple meanings)
    • Student should be actively invovled in learning the words
    • Provide students with strategies for independent learners (how to use the dictionary, etc)
  9. What are vocabulary tiers?
    • Tier One: Basic, everyday words that we use
    • Tier Two: High frequency words that enrich vocabulary use and understanding across domains (priority, achieve, versatile, vision)
    • Tier Three: Specific to the context or domain, lower frequency, more technical, but important to understand (Methane, asteriod, polygon)
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Teaching Reading
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