Health & Health Issues

  1. Introduced goals for improving health of Americans.

    Focus on prevention not care

    Cooperation by government
    Healthy people documents
  2. Identified health improvement goals

    Infant mortality declined

    Death from CHD and stroke declines
    Healthy people documents
  3. 2010 road map for improving health of people in US
    • Promote healthy behaviors
    • Promote healthy and safe communities
    • Improve systems for personal and public health
    • Prevent & reduce diseases and disorders
  4. Dynamic state in which the individual adapts to change

    Not just absence of illness

    Not thing, part of body or function

    Very individual
  5. State when a person's physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental or spiritual functioning is diminished or impaired.

    Sick role behaviors

    Not synonymous with disease.
  6. Health-Illness Continuum
    • Health and illness neither good or bad- relative qualities
    • Continually alters as person adapts to change
  7. Relationship between what a person believes and actions taken.
    Health Belief Model-Rosenstoch
  8. Individual's perception of

    1. Susceptibility to illness
    2. Seriousness of illness
    3. Benefits of present action
    Health Belief Model - Rosenstoch
  9. Create condition that promotes optimal health.

    Client seen as expert regarding own health.
    Holistic Health Model
  10. Client involved in healing process

    Uses holistic interventions - music, relaxation, therapuetic touch, naturual remedies
    Holistic Health Model
  11. Oriented to maximizing potential

    Represents dynamic process, not passive, static.
    High level Wellness
  12. Striving to higher level of wellness

    Illness considered in regard to prevention not treatment
    High level Wellness
  13. Level of health or illness depends on dynamic relationship between and agent and host.
    Agent-Host environment model
  14. Any factor that leads to disease or illness.

    Strep Virus
  15. Individual or group

  16. All factors outside host

    Cold weather, neighborhood
  17. Relationship between health - disease, wellness - illness

    Human experience of actual or perceived function - dysfunction influenced by perception.
    Wellness-Illness model
  18. Variables influencing health beliefs and practices:
    • Developemental stage
    • Intellectual background
    • Emotional factors
    • Spiritual factors
    • Socioeconomic factors
    • Family practices
    • Cultural background
  19. Focus on individual with no health problems, with activities to decrease probability of a specific disease.
  20. Smoking cessation, immunizations, prevent cancers.
  21. Individual experiencing health problem, prevent it from getting worse
  22. In the hospital, prevention of worsening pneumonia.
  23. Individual with short or long term disability - rehab not diagnosis or treatment.
  24. Rehab
  25. Usually short duration and severe
    Symptoms appear abruptly, are intense and leave quickly.
  26. Longer than 6 months, affect functioning in any dimension
    Often periods of remission and exacerbation.
  27. Provide $ for hospital construction and to improve.
    Hill Burton Act
  28. Health care delivery systems:
    Medicare and Medicaid passed

    Rural Health Clinics Act

    *Prospectus pricing plan based on Diagnosis Related Groups
  29. Alternative delivery system:
    • Health Maintenance Organizatiosn HMO's
    • Preferred provider organization PPO's
    • Managed care management
  30. Stresses health promotion as the key to quality care

    Health Department
    Prventive and Primary
  31. Focuses on diagnosis and treatment of disease hospitals

    Surgery center
    Secondary and tertiary
  32. Serves client recovering from an acute or chornic illness.

    Helps regain functioning

    Extended care, Trust point
  33. Coordination of services and equipment

    Focuses on independence
    Home care
  34. Restores clients to fullest potential
  35. Provides intermediate care for recovery from acute illness
    Extended Care Facility
  36. Those disabled, dependent
    Continuing Care
  37. 24 hour custodial care

    Regulated by standards
    Nursing Centers
  38. Home environment-autonomy
    Assisted Care
  39. Short term relief for care provider
    Respite Care
  40. Services for interaction
    Adult Day Care
  41. Support during terminal phase and time of death
  42. Factors influencing health care delivery:
    • Health care delivery system
    • Societal and consumer influences
    • New knowledge and technology
    • Economic influences
    • - needs of uninsured and underserved
    • Political influences
    • Socioeconomic influences
  43. Competency Pew Report
    • 21 competencies
    • Know most current standards
    • Nurse's responsibility
  44. Evidence based practice
    • New information
    • Provide evidence based data to provide effective client care
  45. Knowing clients
    • Client satisfaction
    • Role in patient outcomes
  46. Assistive personnel
    Who to do what
  47. Quality health care
    • Use only medically needed services
    • Regulated ina nd out of facility
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Health & Health Issues
Health & Health Issues