chapter 2

  1. an infection control concept and practice that assumes that all body fluids are potentionaly infectious
    body substance isolation
  2. a condition of chronic fatigue and frustration that results from mounting stress over time
  3. ananimal or person who is infected with and may transmit an infectious disease but may not display any symtoms of it, also knon as a vector
  4. any disease that can be spread from person to person or from animal to person
    communicable disease
  5. an infectious disease that is caapable of being transmitted from one person to another
    contagious disease
  6. the presence of infectious organisms on or in objects such as dressings, water, food, needles, wounds, or a patients body
  7. the tactical use of an impenedrable barrier to conceal EMS personel and protects them from projectiles ( bullets)
    cover and caoncealment
  8. a confidential peer group discussion of a severly stressful incident that usally occurs 24-72 hrs of the incident
    critical incident stress debreifing (cisd)
  9. a process that confronts the response to critical incidents and defusesse them, directing the emergency services personnel toward physical and emothional equilibrum
    critical incident stress managment (cism)
  10. the indivual in the dept who is charged with the responsiblity of manageing exposures and infection control issues
    designated officer
  11. a situation in which a person has had contact with blood, body fluis, tissues or airbourne particles in a manner that suggetes that disease trannsmission may occur
  12. a comprehensive plan that helps employees to reduce their risks of exposure to or acqustion of communicable diseases
    exposure control plan
  13. the body 3 stage response to stress, first stress causes the dody to trigger an alarm response, followed by a stage in reaction and reistance, and the recovery or if the stress is prolonged exhaustion
    general adaption sydrome
  14. inflammation of the liver usally caused by a viral infection that causes fever , loss of appetite, jaundice, fatigue, and altered liver function
  15. infections caused by human herpesvirus 1 and 2, charcterized by small blisters whose location depend on the tyoe of virus, Type2 results in blisters o n the genital area, while type1 results in no genital area
    hereps simplex
  16. human immunodeficiency virus the virus can cause accuried immunodeficientcy sydrome (AIDS)
    HIV infection
  17. the organism or indivual that is attached by the infecting agent
  18. exposure or tranmission of diseases from on person to another by contact with a contaminated object
    indirect contact
  19. the abnormal invansion of a host or host of tissues by organisms such as bacteria viruses or parasites with or without sign or symtoms of disease
  20. procedures to reduce transmission of infection among patients and health care personnel
    infection control
  21. a disease that is caused bu infection in contrast to one caused by faulty genes metablolic or homonal disturbances truma or something else
    infectious disease
  22. inflammation of the meningeal coverings of the brain andspinal cord it is usually caused by a virus or bacteria
  23. the federal regulatory compliance agency htat devolps publishes and enforces guidelines concerning saftey in the work place
    occupational saftey and health adminastrarion (OSHA)
  24. a microorganism that is capable of causing disease in a succeptible host
  25. protective equitment that OShA requires to be made available to EMT, in the case of infection risk, PPE blocks entry of an organism into the body
  26. a delayed stress reaction to a prior incident. This delayed reaction is often the result of one or more unresolved issues concerning the incident
    Posttraumatic stress dissorder (PTSD)
  27. potentialy lfe threataning viral infection that usually starts with flu-like symptoms
    severe acute respritory syndrome (SARS)
  28. the way in which an infectious agent is spread, contact, airbourne, by vechicles and vectors
  29. chronic bacterial disease caused by mycrobacterium tuberculosis that usually affects the lungsx but can also affect other organs such as the brain or kidneys
  30. proactive mesures that have tradionally been developed by the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) for use in dealing with objects , blood, body fluids, or other potential exposure risks, of communicable disease
    universal precaution
  31. the strength or abilaty of a pathogen to produce disease
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chapter 2
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