Psychology: Psychological Disorders

  1. Psychological Disorders
    behavior patters or mental processes that cause serious personal suffering or interfere with a person's ability to cope with everyday life.
  2. Typicality
    a behavior or mental process that is often dertermined by the degree to which it is average, or typical, of the behavior or mental process of the majority of the people.
  3. maladaptivity
    the behavior impairs an individual's ability to function adequately in everyday life.
  4. emotional discomfort
    disorders such as anxiety, depression that cause most of the great emotional discomfort
  5. socially unaccpetable behavior
    behavior that violates a society's accepted norms
  6. INsanity
    a dearrangement of the mind. (Examples: dementia, luncay, madness, crazyness, mania and aberration
  7. DSM
    diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. classifies psychological disorders
  8. Culture-born syndromes
    clusters of symptoms that define or describe an illness
  9. anxiety
    a general state of dread or uneasiness that occurs in resopnse to a vague or imagines danger
  10. Social phobias
    characterized by persistent fear of social situations in which one might be exposed to the close scrutiny of others
  11. Panic Attack
    a relatively short period of intense fear or discomfort, characterized by shortness of breath, dizzinessm rapid heart rate, trembling or shaking, sweating, choking, nausea or other distressing symptoms
  12. Generalized anxiety disorder (floating anxiety)
    an excessive or unrealistic worry about life circumstances that lasts for at least 6 months. worries focus on finance, work, interpersonal problems or illnesses
  13. obsessions
    uwanted thoughts, ideas, or mental images that occur over and over again. often sensless and repulsive
  14. Compulsions
    repetitive ritual behaviors, often involve checking or cleaning something
  15. Post-traumatic stress disorder
    intense, persisten feelings of anxiety that are caused by an experience so traimatic that it would produce stress in almost anyone.
  16. Dissociation and dissociative disorders
    seperation of certain personality components or mental processes from conscious thoughts
  17. Dissociative amnesia
    characterized by a sudden loss of memory, usually following a particularly stressful or traumatic event
  18. fugue
    forgetting person information and also suddenly relocating from home or work and taking on a new identity
  19. depersonalization
    feelings or detachment from one's mental process or body. people would feel as though they are outside their bodies observing themselves at a distance.
  20. Somatization
    coems from the greek work body, refers to the expression of psychological distress through physical symptoms.
  21. conversion disorder
    experience a change in loss of physical fuctioning in a major part of the body for which there is no known medical explanation
  22. hypochondriasis
    a person's unrealistic preoccupation with thoughts that he or she has a serious disease
  23. depression
    feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt and great sadness.
  24. bipolar disorder or manic depresssion
    a cycle of mood changes from depression to wild elation and back again
  25. manic or mania
    extreme exitement characterized by hyperactivity and chaotic behavior very quickly for no apparent reason
  26. schizophreniia
    consideres as the most srious of the psyhchological disorders. characterized by loss of contact with reality.
  27. catanoic schizophrenia
    an immobile, expressionless, comalike state
  28. paranoid schizophrenia
    have delusions or frequent auditory hallucinations, all relating to a single theme. These people may have delusions of grandeus, persecution or jealousy
  29. Disorganized Schizophrenia
    incoherent in their thought and speech and disorganized in their behavior
  30. Multifactorial model
  31. illustraes how several biological and psychological factors may interact in the development of the disorder
  32. personality disorders
    patterns of inflexible traits that disrupt social life or work and/or distress the affected individual.
  33. Antisocial personality disorder or socio path
    people who show a persistent behavior pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others.
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Psychology: Psychological Disorders
Psychology: Psychological Disorders