Female Reproductive Organs

  1. Male Reproductive Organs
    • Gonads
    • Medulla ->Testes
    • Tubecle ->Penis
    • Folds -> Penis Shaft
    • Swelling ->Scrotum
    • Wolfian Duct ->epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct
  2. Female Reproductive Organs
    • Gonads
    • Cortex ->Ovaries
    • Tubercle ->Clitoris
    • Folds ->Labia Minora
    • Swelling -> Labia Majora
    • Mullerian Duct ->fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina
  3. Eight Sexual Female Structures
    • 1.Ovaries
    • 2.Fallopian Tubes
    • 3.Uterus
    • 4.Vagina
    • 5.Vulva
    • 6.Clitoris
    • 7.Perineum
    • 8.Mammary Glands
  4. List 9 Female Secondary Sex Characteristics
    • 1.Sexual Desire
    • 2.Pubic Hair
    • 3.Breast Development
    • 4.Feminine Body Features
    • 5.Ovulation
    • 6.Menstration
    • 7.Broadening of Pelvis
    • 8.Epiphysis
    • 9.Deposits fat in buttocks & thighs
  5. List 4 phases of the mentral cycle
    • Phase 1 The Follicular phase
    • Phase 2 Ovulation
    • Phase 3 The luteal phase
    • Phase 4 Menstration
  6. 6 usual signs & symptoms of early pregnancy
    • 1.Breast tenderness
    • 2.Frequent urination
    • 3.Morning sickness
    • 4.Need for additional sleep
    • 5.Missed period.
    • 6.Fatigue
  7. 8 signs & symptoms in later pregnancy
    • 1.Depression
    • 2.Fatigue
    • 3.Adema
    • 4.Constipation
    • 5.Frequent urination
    • 6.Shortness of breath
    • 7.indigestion
    • 8.hemmorrhorids
  8. First Stage of Labor
    • a. uterine contractions begin & become regular
    • b. proceeds dialation throught cervical dialation & effacement
  9. Second Stage of Labor
    • a. cervical dialation is complete
    • b. head enters vaginal canal or feet
    • c. head becomes visible (crown)
    • d. head emerges through the vaginal opening (delivering)
  10. Third Stage of Labor
    • a. placenta detaches from uterine wall
    • b. placenta & membranes are expelled
  11. 8 Reasons to use contraceptives
    • 1.Avoid health risks to women
    • 2.Space pregnancy
    • 3.Avoid having babies w/ birth defects
    • 4.Allow time for adjustment/avoid stress
    • 5.Limiting family size
    • 6.Avoid single parenthood
    • 7.Permit women to develop successful career
    • 8.Curbing population growth
  12. List 7 routine screening & diagnostic pregnancy test
    • 1.Alpha-fetoprotein screening
    • 2.Amniocentesis
    • 3.STD Screening
    • 4.Gestational diabetes screening
    • 5.Group B steptococcus
    • 6.Blood typing
    • 7.Urine culture
  13. Name 14 Methods of Contraception
    • 1.Abstinence,
    • 2.Condom
    • 3.Female Condom
    • 4.Withdrawl
    • 5.Douching
    • 6.Birthcontrol pills
    • 7.Intrauterine Device
    • 8.Contraceptive Patch
    • 9.Contraceptive Ring
    • 10.DMPA (injection)
    • 11.Spermicides
    • 12.Rythm
    • 13.Sterilization
    • 14.Douching
  14. Abortion
    a spontaneous or induced loss of a pregnancy

  15. Cervical erosion
    ulceration of the epithelium on portion of cervix
  16. Cystic breast disease
  17. the muscles in front of the vagina are weakened, the bladder will begin to bulge into the anterior wall of vagina
  18. the muscles behind the vagina are damaged, the rectum will begin pressing into the posterior wall of vagina
  19. Endometrial tissue outside of uterus
  20. Fibroids
    benign smooth tumor formed of muscle cells in uterus
  21. Malignancy of the breast
    Breast cancer
  22. P.M.S (premenstral syndrome)
    combination & characteristics of menstration 7-14 days before your menstration
  23. Polyp - a growth w/ slender stem attachment to membrane
  24. Chlamydia
    • Men- burning urination, mucoid discharge from penis,
    • Women- yellow vaginal discharge, painful urination, if left untreated
  25. Gonorrhea- venereal disease, organism dies
    Men-frequent painful urination, itching, sore throat, discharge from anus & penile drainage.

    Women- asymptomatic, inflammation w/ greenish-yellowish discharge,
  26. Herpes
    • Genital herpes, inflammatory disease of the genetalia.
    • Male- appear on glans, foreskin, penile shaft.
    • Women- Fluid filled vesicles on cervix, labia,vulva,vagina
  27. NGU
    Nongonococcal Urethritis- group of infections

    • Men- urethral inflammation, allerigic reactions from vaginal creams,etc
    • Women- Vaginitis
  28. P.I.D (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
    • Chronic infection of reproductive tract, cervix, uterus, fallopia tubes, ovaries, pelvic ulcers
    • ~NOT MEN
  29. 4 Stages of Syphillis
    • 1.Primary- cancre on cervix or labia/ penis & scrotum
    • 2.Secondary- painless non itching rash, hair loss, sore throat, headache, nausea,loss of appetite
    • 3.Latent- asymptomatic, affects internal organs
    • 4.Tetiar- cardiovascular damage, neurological damage
  30. Trichomoniasis
    Protozoal infection of lower genitourinary tract
  31. IHSG (interventional hysterosalpingography)
    procedure used to evaluate fallopian tubes
  32. During the eight or ninth month the _____ move from the ____ through the ____ _____ into the ____.
    • Testes
    • abdomin
    • inguinal canal
    • scrotum
  33. The prostate gland is located _____
    just below the bladder
  34. Treatment for prostate cancer
    Prosthesis implant
  35. The corpus luteum is an....
    follicle after ovulation occurs
  36. the fallopian tubes are a passageway for
    • Sperm
    • Ova
    • Connection to uterus
  37. A coloposcopy is an instrument to
    view the cervix
Card Set
Female Reproductive Organs
Vagina ETC, STD's, Pregnancy & labor