MAIN SX of Constrained Liver Qi / Liver Qi Stagnation
-feelings of fullness or stuffiness in chest, sides, or infracostal regions; restricted breathing, frequent sighing or clearing of throat, or feeling that something is stuck in throat.
AUX SX of Constrained Liver Qi / Liver Qi Stagnation
- Indigestion w/ abdominal or epigastric discomfort
- -Irregular bowel movements
- -Irregular menses, premenstrual breast distention, cramping
- -Tendancy toward headaches
- -Dry, sensitive eyes
MAIN SX Liver Blood Stasis
- -Liver qi stagnation SX-delayed/irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, dark/purple blood w/ clots
- -Abdominal masses
AUX SX Liver Blood Stasis
MAIN SX Liver Fire (upward/blazing/flaming)
- -Liver qi stagnation SX
- -intense headaches-insomnia-dizzines
- -eyes red (bloodshot), dry & painful; photophobic
- -usu. feel hot, thirsty (prefers ice cold); bitter taste (constant)
- -constipation/dry stools, dark, concentrated urine
- -chest or flank (burning) pain, tend. to baldness
AUX SX Liver Fire (upward/blazing/flaming)
-Side pain-epistaxis-coughing or spitting up blood
MAIN SX Liver and GB Damp Heat
-jaundice-nausea/vomitting-bitter taste
AUX SX Liver and GB Damp Heat
- -fever, scant/dark urine, fullness and pain in chest + hypochondrium
- -genital itching, pain, redness, swelling, +/or discharge
- -may be constipated or burning diarrhea
MAIN SX Cold Stagnating in the Liver Channel/Vessel
-aches-strange sensation in lower abdomen, genitals +/or inside of thigh
AUX SX Cold Stagnating in the Liver Channel/Vessel
-Shan qi = hernia/painful swellings, alleviated by warmth-long, clear urination
MAIN SX Liver Blood Xu
- -pallor, dizziness + blurry vision-fainting spells (hypovolemia)-insomnia (diff. falling asleep and waking early)
- -elongated cycle w/ decreased menstrual flow, blood light colored, even watery; cramping occurs at end/after menses or amenorrhea-headaches (vertex)
AUX SX Liver Blood Xu
- -numbness + tingling of extremities, limbs easily fall asleep
- -tendons + muscles stiff, tight + inflexible,
- -muscles twitch, cramp, spasm
- -dry skin, nails brittle + dull: deform, crack/split
MAIN SX Liver Yang Rising (sub pattern = Liver Yin Xu)
- -headaches (usu. unilateral), dizziness, tinnitus, irritability
- -dry eyes
- -heat sensations in upper body, bitter taste
AUX SX Liver Yang Rising (sub pattern = Liver Yin Xu)
- -dry mouth + throat-sudden deafness-insomnia (awakens early in morning, dreaming is vivid, hun is disturbed)
- -weak or sore lower back-stumbles easily (uncoordinated feet)
MAIN SX Liver Wind (Internally Stirring)
-tics, tremors, involuntary shaking, seizures, stroke, paralysis
AUX SX Liver Wind (Internally Stirring)
- -headaches-dizzy/vertigo-numbness/tingling
- -increased ocular +/or BP-stroke sequela: deviation of eye or mouth, aphasia, hemiplegia
MAIN SX Heart Blood Xu
- palpitations, insomnia, poor memory, dizziness
- T: pale (curled/indented at tip)
- P:thready + rough
MAIN SX Heart Yin Xu
- palpitations, mentally/physically restless
- T: red, red prickles, thin and narrow, pointed, dry, not coat/peeled, cracked
- P: thready + rapid
MAIN SX Heart Qi Xu
- palpitations (rate + rhythm prob's.)fatigue, shortness of breath
- T: normal to somewhat pale
- P: empty, weak
MAIN SX Heart Yang Xu
- Heart qi xu symptoms + cold signs/sx.
- T: pale, wet, swollen
- P: deep, weak or knotted
Main SX Heart Blood Stasis
- palpitations, chest pain
- T: purple (dark and contorted sublingual veins)
- P: choppy or knotted
Main SX Phlegm Confuses the Heart Portals/Mind
- muddled, unclear thinking; stupor, unconsciousness
- T: flabby, with thick, sticky/slippery coat
- P: slippery
Main SX Phlegm & Fire Harass/Agitate the Heart
- pronounced agitation, bizarre, unpredictable behavior
- T:red w/ greasy yellow coat; hyper-mobile
- P: full, rapid and slippery
Main SX Exuberant Heart Fire
- palpitations & tachycardia, insomnia (may sleep very little), tongue sores, thirst
- T:long, dry, red, even redder tip, which is also enlarged, red prickles, yellow coat
- P: rapid, overflowing, may be hasty (rapid and irreg.)