World Religions Christianity

  1. Advent

    –first liturgical season

    –consisting of the four Sundays preceding Christmas.

    –Its color is purple

  2. Agnus Dei
    –“lamb of god”

    –Portion of the Latin mass said shortly before the Communion

  3. Anointing
    • –To put oil on during a religious ceremony as a sign of
    • sanctification or consecration. Often
    • used when a person is ill.

  4. Apocrypha
    Books written between Malachi and the Gospels

    • –Part of the Greek version of the Old Testament but not included
    • in the Hebrew Bible. Catholics include
    • these books in their canon while Protestants normally exclude them

  5. Apostles’ Creed
    • –a statement used only in the western catholic
    • church (not in the orthodox churches).

    • –Three sections concerned with the Father, Jesus
    • Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Probably 4th century CE

    –We basically agree with its statements

  6. Atonement
    • –humanity’s reconciliation with God though the
    • sacrificial suffering and death of Christ

  7. Baptism
    –sacramental rite

    • –either though sprinkling or immersion, admits a
    • person to the Christian church

  8. Constantine
    • –Emperor of Rome who stopped the persecution of
    • Christians and in 324 made Christianity the official religion of the empire; in
    • 330 he moved his capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople
    • (280-337)

  9. Credo
    • – literally “I believe” the title of the portion
    • of the Latin mass which contains the Nicene confession of faith

  10. Crucifix
    • – a model of the cross bearing an image of the
    • crucified Lord

  11. Epiphany
    –season of the liturgical calendar

    –beginning on January 6, color green

    –Celebrates either

    •baptism of Christ (orthodox)

    • •Christ’s manifestation to the non Jewish world
    • through the Magi (catholic)

  12. Episcopal
    • –refers to a system of church government which is
    • overseen by bishops

  13. Eucharist
    • –greek
    • “thanksgiving”

    • –AKA holy communion, Lord’s supper, or LDS
    • sacrament

    –Symbolizes the Atonement

    –Culmination of the Mass service

  14. Filioque
    –Latin ``and from the Son,''

    • –a creedal statement (or doctrine) that the Holy
    • Ghost proceeds from the Son as well as from the Father. (Roman Catholic, not
    • Eastern Orthodox).

  15. Gloria
    –a portion of the Latin mass

    –gives Praise to God

    • “glory to
    • god in the highest

  16. Holy Orders
    • –Ordination to or acceptance of the full time
    • religious life.

    • –The 7th
    • sacrament of Roman Catholicism

  17. Homoiousios
    –“of like substance”

    –Term used by Arius and followers (Arians)

    –NOT catholic or orthodox doctrine

  18. Homoousios
    –“of one substance”

    • –Term used in early Christian creedal statements
    • to describe the trinity

  19. Kyrie
    –a portion of the Latin mass

    • –“Lord have mercy” Greek (the only portion of the
    • Mass that’s in greek)

    Sinner asking for help

  20. Lent
    • – the forty days before Easter, exclusive of the
    • Sundays. color is purple

    • –observed by abstaining from festivities, by
    • almsgiving, and by devoting more time than usual to religious exercises.

  21. Liturgical Calendar
    –Advent –Christmas –Epiphany –Lent –Easter –Pentecost –Trinity

  22. the Virgin Mary
    –the mother of Jesus

    • –especially honored by Roman Catholics (the
    • chief Saint)

    –Doctrines concerning Mary

    •Immaculate Conception

    •Virgin Birth

    •Perpetual Virginity

    Bodily Assumption

  23. Neo-Platonic thought,
    –philosophical system of Plotinus 200s CE

    –Ideas from Plato, applied to Christianity.

    –Spirit is superior to matter, God is immaterial

  24. Penance
    • –private act between priest and parishioner
    • consisting of confession, absolution, and formal penance

    –A sacrament

  25. Pentecost
    • –the day in the church calendar fifty days after
    • Easter which celebrates the coming of the Holy Ghost to the church. color is
    • red
  26. Sanctus
    –portion of the mass

    –“Holy, Holy Holy, Lord God of Hosts”

  27. Transubstantiation
    • –the catholic doctrine that the bread and wine of
    • the Eucharist literally become the body and blood of Christ in their essence
  28. Trinity
    • –the doctrine of the father, the son, and the holy
    • ghost as one God of the same substance , yet in three manifestations in a manner that cannot be explained by mortals.

    • –five months of the liturgical calendar, in which
    • the implication of the worldwide gospel in daily life are contemplated. The
    • color is green
  29. 1517
    –Beginning of the Reformation

    • Luther’s 95 Theses nailed to the church door in
    • Wittenberg, Germany
  30. John Calvin
    • –French reformer and theologian who worked most of
    • his life in Geneva, Switzerland. Wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion
  31. Ecumenical Movement
    • –Christ didn’t mean church to be fragmented
    • –twentieth century efforts have been made to unite denominations into one
    • church, but doctrines and authority have been stumbling blocks
  32. Eucharist/ Holy
    • –Sacramental
    • rite symbolic of the atonement

    • –Same
    • as catholic, minus the doctrine of transubstantiation
  33. Martin Luther
    • –the
    • founder of the German reformation, a catholic priest, and a professor of moral
    • philosophy and scripture at the university of Wittenberg

    • •Nailed
    • his 95 theses to the door 1517
  34. 1054
    • –A
    • delegate from the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople disagree and
    • excommunicate each other

    • –Contributes
    • to split between eastern and western Christianity
  35. 1204
    • –Constantinople
    • sacked by Crusaders.

    • The actual split between the eastern and western
    • Christianity
  36. Antidoron
    • –bread
    • blessed and distributed to the non-Orthodox at the end of the liturgy.
  37. Apophatic Theology
    • –Theology
    • that defines things by what they are not.
  38. Autocephalous
    • –“having
    • its own head”

    • –A
    • group with a leader who is subordinate to no superior authority. Called
    • Patriarchs, Archbishops, or Metropolitans

    • –Russia,
    • Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece
  39. Autonomous
    • –Orthodox
    • churches that make most of their own decisions but are smaller than
    • Autocephalous groups
  40. Chrismation
    • –Anointing
    • with oil (Chrism) on specific parts of the infant’s body

    • –immediately
    • following baptism
  41. Constantine
    • –Emperor
    • of Rome who stopped the persecution of Christians and in 324 made Christianity
    • the official religion of the empire; in 330 he moved his capital from Rome to
    • Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople (280-337)
  42. Council of Nicaea
    • –Called
    • by Constantine in 325 and developed the Nicene Creed
  43. Energies
    • –Evidences
    • of God’s influence in the world

    • –People
    • can know Him through these, but cannot know His essence
  44. Iconoclasts
    –Icon destroyers.
  45. Iconodules
    –Icon venerators.
  46. Iconostasis
    • –a partition or screen on which icons are placed,
    • separating the sanctuary from the main part of the church.
  47. Icons
    • –Two dimensional pictures of Christian persons or
    • events which become spiritual windows.

    –Teaching tools for the illiterate
  48. Metropolitan
    –the head of an ecclesiastical province.
  49. Patriarch
    • –Usual term for the national head of an Eastern
    • Orthodox church
  50. Septuagint
    • –Greek version of the Old Testament, traditionally
    • said to have been translated by 70 or 72 Jewish scholars at the request of
    • Ptolemy II: most scholars believe that only the Pentateuch was completed in the
    • early part of the 3rd century b.c. and that the remaining books were translated in
    • the next two centuries.
  51. Synergy
    –Cooperation with God. Salvation through grace and our best effort.

    • –Implies a belief in Agency, no original sin, and
    • some confidence in human nature
  52. Theosis
    –To become a god.
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World Religions Christianity
Christianity Vocabulary