Marketing 7

  1. Business Marketing
    the marketing of goods and services to individuals and organizations for purposes other than personal consumption
  2. Consumer Products
    products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption
  3. Business (industrial) Products
    products purchased for further processing or for use in conducting a business
  4. Major Categories of Business Customers (4)
    • 1) producers
    • 2) resellers
    • 3) governments
    • 4) institutions
  5. Producers
  6. Resellers
    wholesalers, retailers
  7. Governments
    federal, municipal, local
  8. Institutions
    schools, churches, civic clubs, hospitals, unions, foundations, colleges, fraternal groups, nonbusiness organizations
  9. Types of Business Products (7)
    • 1) major equipment
    • 2) accessory equipment
    • 3) raw materials
    • 4) component parts
    • 5) processed materials
    • 6) supplies
    • 7) business services
  10. Business Buyer Behavior: Buying Center
    • -the decision making unit of a buying organization
    • -includes all individuals and units that participate in decision making
  11. Business Buyer Behavior: Evaluative Criteria + Ethical Behavior
    • -business buyers evaluate products and suppliers against 3 important criteria: 1)quality, 2)service, 3)price; in that order
    • -although this sounds straightforward, it opens the door for manipulation and unethical behavior
  12. Major Types of Buying Situations (3)
    • 1) Straight rebuy: reordering without modification
    • 2) Modified Buy: requires modification to prior purchase
    • 3) New Task: first time purchase
  13. Customer Service
    -for many industrial products the revenues from associates servicess exceed the revenues from the products. Ex: cell phones, printers
  14. After-Sale Services
    -almost always more profitable than the actual sale of the machinery or product
  15. Nature of Demand (3)
    • 1) demand is derived
    • 2) demand is price inelastic
    • 3) demand fluctuates more
  16. Types of Decisions (2)
    • 1) more complex buying decisions
    • 2) the buying process is more formalized
  17. Nature of the Buying Unit (2)
    • 1) involve more buyers in the decision process
    • 2) more professional purchasing effort
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Marketing 7