Psychology 101 Ch. 1

  1. psychology
    The science of behavior and mental processes.
  2. introspection
    Inward focusing on mental experiences, such as sensations or feelings.
  3. structuralism
    The school of psychology that attempts to understand structure of the mind by breaking it down into its component parts.
  4. functionalism
    The school of psychology that focuses on the adaptive functions of behavior.
  5. behaviorism
    The school of psychology that holds that psychology should limit itself to the study of overt, observable behavior.
  6. Gestalt psychology
    The school of psychology that holds that the breain structures our perceptions of the world in terms of meaningful patterns or wholes.
  7. gestalt
    A German word meaning "unitary form" or "pattern."
Card Set
Psychology 101 Ch. 1
Ch. 1 terms