Incomplete Dominance
snapdragons and four o clock flowers
- roan cows
- both alleles equally expressed
Multiple alleles
- can only be studied in populations (3+)
- like blood groups
Blood Groups
- -each individual is A, B, AS, or O phenotype
- i: no protein produced
- A: IAIA, IAi
- B: IBIB, IBi
- O: ii
- circle female
- square male
- filled in afflicted
- half filled carrier
- line thru dead
- two diagonal lines: twins
- parallel lines: children
Chemical vs mechanical digestion
- Chemical: breaking down using enzymes
- Mechanical: breaking down to smaller peices
- Both in mouth, stomach
- Mechanical is esophogus
one way vs two way
- one way: two openings (ex- grasshoppers, humans)
- two way: one opening (ex-hydra, protists)
advantage of one way: cleaner, no waiting to process food
intracellular vs extracellular
Intracellular: single or few cells (cells of the organism direct contact to surface) ex: paramecium, amoeba
Extracellular: multiple cells, enzymes excreted. ex: humans, earthworms, grasshoppers, fungi
Protists, Hydra, Grasshopper, Earthworm
Protists: unicellular, heterotrophic, food in thru mouth pore
Hydra: simple multicellular w/ tentacles that stun prey, both into and extracellular digestion, two way distigestive system (one opening)
Grasshopper: actual mouth parts: able to chew food and mix w saliva (salivary glands), herbivore (eats plants), rectum (absorption of water), gizzard for mech grinding
Earthworm: eat their enviro (soil), tube w/in a tube, two openings (one way), extracellular, both chem and mechanical digestion, gizzard for mech grinding
enzymes and their functions
- amalase: salivary glands, breaks down carbs
- bile: liver, breaks down fats
where things get digested
- some digestion in stomach
- most vitamin absorption is SI
- most water absorption in LI
accesory organs
- Teeth, tongue, liver, gallbladder,
- pancreas, salivary glands.
parts of the digestive system and disorders
- Digestive tract30 foot long tube extending
- from mouth to anus.Also called the alimentary
- canal.Accessory organs:Teeth, tongue, liver, gallbladder,
- pancreas, salivary glands.The mouth:Mechanical digestion begins
- with teeth grinding food.Contains salivary glands found
- under mucous membrane of mouth.Saliva moistens food, begins
- starch and fat digestion, inhibits bacteria, and binds food into a bolus
- (ball).99.5% water and solutes.Contains enzyme salivary amylase,
- begins starch digestion.pH of 6.8 to 7.Pharynx:Open area at the back of the
- mouth, serves as a passage for air and food.Bolus travels from mouth to
- pharynx, then to esophagus.Epiglottis:Flap of cartilage behind the
- tongue, prevents food from going down larynx (windpipe).EsophagusStraight muscular tube 25-30
- cm long.Nonkeratinized stratified
- squamous epithelium.Skeletal muscle in upper part,
- and smooth in bottom.Pushes food down tube by alternating
- contractions of muscle layers: “peristalsis”To enter stomach, food passes
- through an opening between the esophagus and stomach. If this
- opening does not close quickly, stomach acid gets into the esophagus
- and can cause heartburn.Stomach:Mechanically breaks up food,
- begins chemical digestion of protein and fat. Turns food into soupy
- mixture called “Chyme.”Does not absorb significant
- nutrients. Absorbs aspirin and lipid-soluble drugs.Stomach has three layers of
- muscle: circular, longitudinal, and diagonal, all churn food.Inner lining of stomach is
- composed of epithelial cells and openings called gastric pits, which
- release secretions into the stomach.Hydrochloric acid in stomach
- activates pepsin, and lingual lipase, breaks tissues and plant cell
- walls, destroys bacteria and pathogens.If the mucous lining of the
- stomach wears out, the hydrochloric acid will cause formation of an
- ulcerLiver:Stores glucose, makes proteins,
- breaks down toxic substances.Produces bile, vital to digestion
- of fats.