How does diathermy produce heat?
from conversion of high frequency electromagnetic energy to heat energy
How deep does diathermy heat?
Any device that creates an electrical current also generates what?
electrical and magnetic field
What do tissues of high fat content do?
insulate and resist the passage of current
heats up and can burn patient easily
Electrical fields pass thru tissues with the least what?
skin, muscle
What type of waves does diathermy produce?
long waves...penetrates deep
What two types of fields does SWD contain?
- condensor field
- induction field
Which field is the body part of the circuit?
What does the condensor field heat and what is used to do it?
heats tissues of low conductivity such as fat, ligaments, tendons, cartilage
uses plates to heat
What 2 types of plates are used in the condensor field?
air spaced plates-body part goes inbetween
parallel circuit-body part is under the electrodes and energy moves plate to plate
What type of tissues does the induction field heat?
blood, muscle, sweat
What are some ways the induction field uses to heat up?
- drum electrode (hinged drum to allow to fit around body part)
- single drum unit (like what we have in lab...use towels to protect)
- cable electrode (looks like stove burner)
- wrap around (cable wraps around body part)
What type of diathermy is used for wound healing and why?
- PSWD-pulsed short wave diathermy
- has on/off cycle to allow for heat up and cool down
- nonthermal
Microwave diathermy uses what to emit radar waves?
magnetron oscillator
What are some physiological effects of SWD?
- decreased pain-sedation of sensory nerves
- increased local metabolism
- increased perspiration
- increased vasodilation, blood flow, O2
- increased muscle relaxation
- increased temp, resp, pulse, decreased BP is used for a long time
What are some general guidelines to be aware of when using SWD?
- position and drape for maximum effect
- use wooden chair or plinth only
- electrodes placed evenly and use even pressure on electrodes
- perspiration-be sure to use toweling
- do not use on morbidly obese
- towels between skin surfaces
What are some indications?
- deeper tissues
- subacute and chronic stages of superficial joints
- subacute and chronis traumatic and inflammatory conditions in muscles
- indirect heating for PVD (place on trunk for increased blood flow to extremities)
- subacute hematoma
- treat large areas
What are some disadvantages?
- area being treated not visible
- potentially more hazardous
- costly, time consuming
- pt cant move suring treatment
What are some advantages?
- reach deeper tissues
- treat lg surfaces
- cant burn bone
What are some precautions of diathermy?
- no jewelry or metal objects in field, hearing aids, watches
- wooden chair or plinth
- no sweat accumulation
- decreased sensation
- open wounds/moist dressings
What type of patient should you never treat with diathermy?
pts with pacemakers and cardiac disease
What are contraindications of diathermy?
- debilitated
- cancer
- ischemic areas
- hemorrhage/active bleeding
- young/old
- thrombophlebitis
- no foam/plastic in area-nylons
- fever
- acute inflammation
- pregnancy/menstration
- directly over a bleeding gastric ulcer
- careful over scar
- obesity
- epiphysis of growing bones
- transcerebrally
- moist dressings
- infection