
  1. déan do dhicheall
    do your best
  2. chomh caita le scadán
    thin as a herring
  3. faoi mar a tharla
    as it turned out
  4. tá gach rud mar is cóir
    all is well, all is correct
  5. maidin geal
    bright morning
  6. fáinne geal an lae
    bright ring of day (dawn)
  7. feicter dom
    it appears to me
  8. is cás bás nó beatha é
    it's a case of life or death
  9. ná bac leis
    don't bother with him
  10. tháinig sé ar ais ar nós na drochaimsire
    he returned like bad weather
  11. ná lig leis é
    don't let him get away with it
  12. tá an bainne doirte
    the harm is done, the milk is spilled
  13. codladh sámh
    sleep peacefully
  14. thar aon duine amiugh
    above all people
  15. amadán deanta
    absolute fool
  16. lán cinnte
    absolutley certain
  17. bíonn an tubasite ann
    accidents happen
  18. an cosán dearg
    the beaten track
  19. tá siabhrán air
    he's crazy, bats, weird
  20. aisteach go leor
    strangly enough
  21. dar an leabhar
    by the book
  22. dóscail sin na suile
    that was an eye opener
  23. más fada an lá, tiocfaidh an oíche
    long as the day may be, night will come
  24. tagann ciall le h-aois
    wisdom comes with age
  25. Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolap
    A windy day is no day (???)
  26. Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sé
    Praise the young and it will come.
  27. Ní bhíonn in aon rud ach seal
  28. Is minic a bhris beal duine a shrón
    His mouth often breaks his nose.
  29. Ní bhíonn suas gan síos.
    There is no up without a down.
  30. Eist le ceol na h-abhann agus geofaidh tú breac.
    Listen to the music of the river and you will get a trout.
  31. Bíonn gach tosach lag.
    Every beginning is weak.
  32. Tosach maith is leath na h-oibre.
    A good beginning is half the work.
  33. Tagann maith le cairde.
    Good comes wih friends.
  34. mar bharr an donas
    A crowning misfortune (As a result of the misfortune)
  35. bánú an lae
    The day of the day.
  36. tá an lá istigh
    The day is over (The day is inside)
  37. de ló is d’oíche
    Day and night
  38. lán dáiríre
    Fully serious
  39. cruachás
    a desperate situation
  40. tá sé igcruachás
    He is in a fix.
  41. lá eile cainte é sin
    That's a different kettle of fish (That is something to talk about for another day)
  42. déan é mar is eol duit
    Do it as best you know how
  43. déanfaidh seo an gnó
    This will do the job
  44. is maith a rinne tú
    You did right!
  45. ná bí ag teacht thart ar an scéal
    Don't beat around the bush. (Don't be coming around the story)
  46. bail ó ∂hia ar an obair
    God bless the work
  47. dhíolfadh sé ar bord loinge thú
    He would sell you down the river
  48. cuma an bhróin
    look of sorrow
  49. mo náire thú!
    Shame on you!
  50. dún do clab!
    Shut your gob!
  51. dún do bhéal!
    Shut your mouth!
  52. séasúr na hamaidí
    silly season
  53. is piobaire aonphoirt é
    He's a one tune piper
  54. sin an fadhb!
    That's the problem!
  55. sin é anois
    That's it now.
  56. tá dáimh aige léi
    He has a soft spot for her.
Card Set
irish sayings