LilleyChpt32 Antidiabetic Drugs

  1. a complex disorder of carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism resulting primarily from the lack of insulin secretion by the beta cels of the pancreas or from defects of the insulin receptors
    Diabetes mellitus
  2. It is commonly referred to simply as diabetes. There are two major types; type 1 and type 2
    diabetes mellitus
  3. a sever metabolic complication of uncontrolled diabetes that, if untreated, leads to a diabetic coma and death
    diabetic ketoacidosis
  4. diabetes that develops during pregnancy. It may resolve after pregnancy but may also be a precursor of type 2 diabetes in later life
    gestational diabetes
  5. a hormone produced by the alpha cells in the islets of Langerhans that stimulates the conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver
  6. one of the simple sugars that serves as a major source of energy. It is found in foods (fruits, refined sugars), and also is the final breakdown product of complex carbohydrate metabolism in the body
  7. commonly referred to as dextroxe
  8. a polysaccharide that is the major carbohydrate stored in animal cells
  9. hemoglobin molecules to which glucose molecules are bound
    Hemoglobin A1C (A1C)
  10. There blood levels are used as a diagnostic measure of average daily blood glucose levels in the monitoring of diabetes
    Hemoglobin A1C (A1C)
  11. also called glycosylated hemoglobin or glycated hemoglobin
    Hemoglobin A1C (A1C)
  12. a fasting blood glucose level of 126mg/dl or higher or a nonfasting blood glucose level of 200 mg/dl or higher
  13. a metabolic complication of uncontrolled diabetes, similar in severity to diabetic ketoacidosis but without ketosis and acidosis
    Hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome (HNKS)
  14. a blood glucose level of less than 50 mg/dl
  15. a fasting glucose level of at least 110 mg/dl but lower than 126 mg/dl
    impaired fasting glucose level
  16. defines as a prediabetic state that is sometimes call prediabetes
    impaired fasting glucose level
  17. a naturally occuring hormone secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas in response to increased levels of glucose in the blood
  18. organic chemical compounds produced through the oxication of secondary alcohols (fat molecules), including dietary carbohydrates
  19. Chronic excessive intake of water; a common symptom of diabetes
  20. excessive eating; common symptom of diabetes
  21. increased frequency or volume of urinary output; a common symptom of diabetes
  22. diabetes mellitus that is genetically determined autoimmune disorder characterized by a complete or nearly complete lack of insulin production
    Type 1 diabetes mellitus
  23. commonly arises in children and adolescents
    type 1 diabetes mellitus
  24. a type of diabetes mellitus that most commonly presents in adults
    type 2 diabetes mellitus
  25. the disease may be controlled by life-style modifications, oral drug therapy, and/or insulin but patients are not necessarily dependent on insulin
    Type 2 diabetes mellitus
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LilleyChpt32 Antidiabetic Drugs
Lilley Chapter 32 Antidiabetic Drugs