Chapter 4: Human Populations

  1. What produced a larger and more secure food supply, and allowed the human population to grow?
    Agricultural revolution
  2. What kind of curve is our population growth?
    J curve
  3. A term that encompasses vital statistics about people, such as births, deaths, and where they live.
  4. The physical ability to reproduce.
  5. The actual production of offspring.
  6. The number of birhts in a year per thousand persons.
    Crude birth rates
  7. The number of children born to an average woman in a population during her entire reproductive life.
    Total fertility rate.
  8. Occurs when births plus immigration in a population just equals deaths plus emigration.
    Zero population growth (ZPG)
  9. What is the replacement rate of children?
    2.1 children per couple.
  10. Expressed in terms of the number of deaths per thousand persons in a given year.
    Crude death rates
  11. Average age that a newborn baby can expect to attain in any given society.
    Life expectancy
  12. The number of nonworking compared with working individuals in a population.
    Dependency ratio
  13. Factors that increase people's desires to have babies.
    Pronatalist pressures
  14. Some parents go beyond the number of children they want in order to...
    have a son
  15. This often results in decisions to limit childbearing.
    Higher education and personal freedom for women
  16. The pattern of falling death rates and birth rates due to improved living conditions that usually accompanies economic development.
    Demographic transition.
  17. What is one of the most critical factors in stabilizing the population?
    Child survival. If parents worry about children dying, they will have as many as possible so that some reach adulthood.
  18. Allows couples to determine the number and spacing of their children.
    Family planning
  19. Any method used to reduce birth. Including celibacu, delayed marriage, contraception, methods that prevent embryo implantation and induced abortions
    Birth control
  20. More children are typically born if they can be used for cheap...
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Chapter 4: Human Populations
Test Two Study Guide