away from the mouth
approximate (surgery)
to bring two surfaces together and make a flat surface
evert (surgical)
To leave a raised scar (done with insufficient material)
Stratum Corneum
most superficial layer of epidermis. All cells are dead. Corneum = tough, horn-like
Stratum Basale
deepest layer of epidermis. Cells are alive
visible part of ear
hole/opening of nostril
cartiledge and skin around nares
Sagittal plane
splits the body into left and right quadrants
transverse plane
splits the body into caudal/cranial
frontal plane
splits the body into top and bottom--legs and body
raised, textured scar
Divisions of abdomen
cranial, middle and caudal areas on each side (R and L)
Common integument
skin, skin glands, claws, hooves, hair/fur, horns, antlers...
largest organ in the mammalian body
topcoat. Wool hairs
Layers of feathers
outer (contour) and inner (down)
Sebaceous glands
produce sebum--waxy substance with pheromones
waxy substance with pheromones
deer (family of hoof stock)
Sweat glands
apocrine and eccrine
cardiac muscle
looks like both smooth and skeletel, but is involuntary
smooth muscle
smooth, organs, involuntary
striated, voluntary
when something in joint goes out of position and stays out
proliferative arthritis
spreading arthritis
femorotibial joint
knee or stifle
synovial joint
most movement (stifle). Has capsule with fluid
pivot joint
turns 90 degrees
Skeletal system
includes bones, joints, cartilage. provides support, produces marrow, and stores some minerals (calcium, phosphorus)
3 fused bones (cranial to caudal) Ilium, Ischium (hip joint), pubic bone (fibrous joint that opens a little for prenancy and birth)
how far does the spinal cord extend?
sacrum. Does not continue into caudal vertebrae
Axial skeleton
Mandible, maxilla, skull, spine, tail (horozontal)
appendicular skeleton
limbs, ribs (anything that hangs) (vertical)
Vertebrae #s
7 cervical, 13 thoracic, 7 lumbar, 3 fused sacral. Caudal are variable.
purpose of lymphatic system
collect old WBCs, cellular debris, pathogens, etc, dump into vena cavae, run through lymph nodes, Lymphoma is common cancer in dogs and cats
circulatory system is composed of
heart, arteries and veins, lymphatic vessels
constituent of RBC. Carries oxygen
carries blood away from heart. Most are oxygen rich
carries blood too the heart. Most are oxygen poor.
Systemic circulation
throughout body
pulmonary circulation
heart and lungs
Pulmonary vein and artery
are the opposite. Artery is poor in oxygen and vein is rich in oxygen
path of blood through heart
body--R. Atrium--R Ventricle--pulmonary artery--lung--pulmonary vein--L atrium--left vetricle, aorta--body
real name of RBC and WBC
Erythrocyte and Leukocyte
6 lymph nodes
Parotid (ear), submandibular (under jaw), prescapular (neck), axillary (armpit), inguinal (groin), popliteal (caudal to stifle)
Portal circulation
liver--intestines--liver (circle)
pulse deficit
when pulse is out of sync with heart rate
renal arteries
aorta splits into two large branches near the groin.
All blood cells start as stem cells and become, through a series of steps, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets.
know that.
in avians and reptiles, the place where waste exits. Includes eggs, feces and kidney product.
fermenting vat of rabbits and horses. No use in cats, dogs or humans
picking food up and putting it in the mouth (lips, trunk, teeth, etc.)
swallowing of food
bottom, narrow part of stomach
lace curtain that overlies organs in the abdomen
chemicals produced by pancreas to increase digestion
amylase-starch, lipase-fat, trypsin-protein
produced by gallbladder. Good for digestion of fats.
ability fo intestine to move
GI tract stops. No peristalsis.
where is a cow's heart
between reticulum and rumen
4 chambers of a cow's stomach
reticulum (honeycomb), rumen, omasum, abomasaum (like our stomach, with enzymes). First three have bacterial protozoans to help break down food.
Peripheral nervous system
anything not the brain or spinal column
Central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
caudalmost part of brain. Narrows to become spinal cord. Pituitary hangs off brain (hypophysis)
how many cranial nerves?
having to do with the body
sciatic=ischiatic=PNS nerve. Huge nerve from pelvis down pelvic limb.
motor neuron
tells muscle to move
sensory neuron
monitors environment
neural pathways from the spinal cord, not the brain
part of the brain that's mostly dorsal and rostral. Integrates and thinks
caudal to cortex. part of autonomic NS. Motor function
Autonomic NS
sympathetic or parasympathetic.
sympathetic NS
fight or flight
parasympathetic NS
rest and digest
caudal brain. cranial nerves
excretory system
includes renal, GI and endocrine
renal artery is filtered by
1st part fo kidney. Thin tubes
renal system responsibilities
filters all blood. Reabsorb big molecules get rid of rest. Calls for more RBCs if necessary
renal system
blood enters through renal artery--cortex--renal pelvis--exits through ureter
where urine exits the kidney
feline ovulation
stimulated ovulators. Go through heat cycles, but don't ovulate until after sex
where is egg fertilized in domestic animals
where puppies and kittens develop in vitro
uterine horns, in separate placentas. Only at birth do they move into the uterus.
how many teats to horses have
how many teats to cows have
inflammation of mammary gland.
adrenal gland secretions
ephinephrine and norephinephrin, prednisone and estrogen, testosterone
what is the master gland