mode of mechanical ventilation that allows unrestricted, spontaneous breaths throughout the ventilatory cycle; on inspiration patient receives preset level on continous postitive airway pressure, and pressure is periodically released to aid expiration
airway pressure release ventilation (APRV)
moed of mechanical ventilation in which the patient's breathing patterns may trigger the ventilator to deliver a preset tidal volume; in the absence of sppontaneous breathing, the machine delivers a controlled breath at a preset minimum rate and tidal volume
assist-control (A/C)
use of chest tube and closed drainage systems to re-expand the lung and to remove excess air, fluid, and blood
chest drainage systems
manually cupping over the chest wall to mobilize secretions by mechanically dislodging viscous or adherent secretions in the lungs
chest drainage system
therapy used to remove bronchial secretions, improve ventilation, and increase the efficiency of the respiratory mscles; types include postural drainage, chest percussion, and vibration
chest physiotherapy (CPT)
positive pressure applied throughout the respiratory cycle to a spontaneously breathing patient to promote alveolar and airway stability; may be administered with endotracheal or tracheostomy tube or by mask
continous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
mode of mechanical ventilation in which the ventilator completely controls the patient's ventilation according to present tidal volumes and respiratory rate; because of problems with synchrony, it is rarely used wxept in paralyzed or anesthetized patients
controlled ventilation
insertion of a breathing toube through the nose or mouth into the trachea
endotracheal intubation
concentration of oxygen delivered (1.0 = 100% oxygen)
fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)
decrease in arterial oxygen tension in the blood
decrease in oxygen supply to the tissues and cells
method of deep breathing that provides visual feedback to help the patient inhale deeply and slowly and achieve maxium lung inflation
incentive spirometry
mode of mechanical ventilation that provides a combination of mechanically assisted breaths and spontaneous
intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV)
a positive or negative pressure breathing device that supports ventilation and oxygenation
mechanical ventilator
partial or complete collaps of the lung due to positive pressure in the pleural space
positive pressure maintained by the ventilator at the end of exhalation (instead of a normal zero pressure) to increase functional residual capacity and open collapsed alveoli; improves oxygenation with lower fraction of inspired oxygen
positive and expiratory pressure (PEEP)
Postioning the patient to allow drainage from all the lobes of the lungs and airways
postural drainage
mode of mechanical ventilation in which preset positive pressure is delivered with spontaneous breaths to decrease work of breathing
pressure support ventilation (PSV)
mode of mechanical ventilation that provides partial ventilatory support in proportion to the patient's inspiratory efforts; decreases the work of breathing
proportional assist ventilation (PAV)
process of gradual, systemic withdrawal or removal of ventilator, breathing tube, and oxygen
respiratory weaning
mode of mechanical ventilation in which the ventilator allows the patient to breathe spontaneously while providing a preset number of breaths to ensure adequate ventilation; ventilated breaths are synchronized with spontaneous breathing
synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV)
surgical opening into the chest cavity
indwelling tube inserted directly into the trachea to assist with ventilation
tracheostomy tube
surgical opening into the trachea
a type of massage administered by quickly tapping the chest with the fingertips or alternating the fingers in a rhythmic manner, or by using a mechanical device to assist in mobilizing lung secretions