곱배기 려면 주세요
Give me a double serving of ramion.
to enter, to go into
(으)려고 하다
intend to, going to, plan to
서울에서 살려고 해요.
I plan to live in Seoul.
는 중이다
In the middle of -ing (는 ing)
지금 TV 보는 중이야
I am in the middle of watching TV.
수업 중이야
I am in the middle of class.
는 길이다
means to be on the way to be dong something
회사에 가는 길이에요.
I am on my way to work.
것 같아요
It looks like... It seems like... I think.
못 마날 것 같아요.
It seems like I won't be able to meet
오늘 몇 시에 들어와요?
What time are you coming home?
오늘 친구를 좀 만나랴고 하는데
Today I intend to meet with my friend.
전녁식사는 밖에서 하고 들어갈게.
I will eat dinner out and come home.
누구 만나려고?
Who do you plan to meet?