a system comprised of vocabulary and rules of grammer that allow us to engage in verbal communication
verbal symbols
words or the vocabulary that makes up a langauge
the ruels that dictate the structer of language
the process of putting thoughts and feeligns into verbal symbols, nonverbal messages or both
the process of developing a thought based on hearing verbal symbols, observing nonverbal messages or both
denotative meaning
the literal conventional meaning of a verval symbol that most peole in a culture have agreed is the meaning of that symbol
connotative meanign
the meaning of a verbal symbole that is derived from our personal and subjective experience with that symbol
able to be seen, smelled tasted, touched or heard
the thing a verbal symbol represents
not able to be seen, smelled tasted,touched, or heard
framing theory
a teory that argues that when we compare two unlike things in a figure of speech we are unconsciously influneced by this decision
process of abstraction
the ability to move up and down the ladder of abstraction from a specific to general acnd vice versa
strategic ambiguity
leaving out cues in a message on purpose to encourage multiple interpretations by others
a type of ambiguity that involves choosing our words carefully to give a listenr a false impression without actually lying
a milder or less direct word substituted for anothr word that is more blunt or negative
a word or phrase that has an understood meanign within a culture but whose meaning is not derived by exact translation
phatic communication
communication consisting of words and phrases that are used for interpersonal contact only and are not ment to be translated verbatim
shifitng back and forth between lnaguages in the same conversation
speech community
a group of people who share norms about how to speak what to use and when where and why to speak
symbolic interactionism theory
the theroyt at our understanding of ourselves and of the world is shaped by our interactions with those around us
linguistic determinism
a theory that aruges that our language determins our ability to percieve and think about htings. if we don't have a word for something in our lanugae this theory predicts we wont think about it or notice it.
linguistic relativity
a theory that states that language influences our thinking but doesn't dertimen it. Thus, if we dont have a word ofr something in our language this theory predicts it will difficult, but not impossible, to think about it or notice it
Saper-Whof hypothesis
a theory that points to connections among culture, language and thought. in its storng form, this theory is known as linguistic determinism, and in its eak form it is knwn as linguistic relativity
the ease with which a language can express a thought
two-culture theory
a theory that assets that sex operates in the same way as culture in establishing differnt ruels, norms and language pattersn for men and women
static evaluation
the tendency to speak and respond to someone today the same way we did in the past not recognizing that peole and relationships change over time
the tendency to use "either-or" language and speak of the word in extremes
the tendency to respond to words or labels for thigns as though they were the things themselves
lexical gaps
experience tat are not named
muted grouop theory
theoryt aht explaines what happens to people whose experience are not well represented in verbl symbols and who have trouople articulating their thoughts and feeligns verbally because their language doesn't give them an adequate vocabulary
sexist language
language that is demeanign to one sex
generic he
the use of the masculine pronoun he to function generically when the subjet of the sentance is of unknown gender or incudes bothmen and women
man-linked words
words that include the word man but that are supposed to operate generically to incude women as well, such as mankind
a response that acknowledges and supports another
a response taht fails to acknowledge and support anotehr, leaving the person feeling ignored and disregarded
acknowledging the viewpoints of those with whome we interact
avoding genrealizations by acknowledging the time frame in which we judge others and ourselves