the process of gaining information aboutourselves in an effort to tap our full potential our spontaneity and our talents and to cultivate our strenghts and eliminate our shortcomings
the fact that our communication with others cannot be "unsaid" or reversed
the study of signs and symbols in relation to their form and content
arbirary lables or representations (such as words) for feelings concepts objects or events
a prescribed guide that indicates what behavior is obligated, preferred or prohibited in certain contexts
content level
the verbal and nonverbal information contained in a messge that indicates the topic of the message
relationship level
the information contained in a message that indicates how the sender wants the reciever to interpret the message
dark side of interpersonal communication
negative communication exchages between people such as manipulation, deciet and verbal aggression
bright side of interpersonal communication
aitruistic, supportive, and afirming communication exchanges between people
the perceived rightness or wrongness of an action or behavior determiend in large part by society
categorical imperative
an ethical system based on the work of philosper Immanuel Kant, that advances the notion that individuals follow moral absolutes. the underlying tenet in this ethical system suggests that we should act as an example to others
an ethical system developed by John Stuart Mill, that suggest that what is ethical will bring the greatest good for the greatest number of people in theis system, consequences of moral actions, especially maximizing satisfaction and happiness are important
golden mean
an ethical system, articulated by Aristotle, that proposes a person's moral virtue stands between two vices, with the middle or the mean, being the foundation for a rational society
ethic of care
an ethical system, based on the concepts of Carol Giligan that is concerned with the connections among peole and the moral concequences of decisions
Significant choice
an ethical system conceptualized by Thomas Nilsen underscoreing the belief that communication is ethical to the extent that it maximies our ability to exercise feel choice. in this system, information should be given to others in a noncoercive way so that people can make feel and informed decisions
Communication Competency
the ability to communicate with knowledge skills and thoughtfulness
civil communication
the acceptance of another person as an equal partner in achieving meaing during communication