Carotid Subclavian, Aorta, Brachial, Radial, Iliac, Femoral,
Jugular, Subclavian, Superior Vena Cava, Cephalic, Inferior Vena Cava, Femoral
Superior Vena cava, Pulmenary Artery, Pulmenary Vein, Right Atrium, Right Ventrical, Inferior Vena Cava Aorta, Left Ventricle, Left Atrium, Aorta
Blood Plasma 55%:
- Water 90%
- Proteins 8%
- Organic Acids 1%
- Salts 1%
Blood Cells 45%:
- Leucocytes & Platelets 2.3%
- Erythrocytes 97.7%
Blood Before Birth:
Spleen, Liver, Red Bone Marrow
Blood After Birth:
Red Bone Marrow
Erythrocytes last 90-120 days
More Erythrocytes then Leucocytes?
We need more oxygen in our bodies then defenses against harmful things
Blood Typing:
Few drops of blood dropped on slide, antigen A is placed to see if agglutination takes place. If it doesnt, then antigen B is placed on other drop of blood. If there is no agglutination then it is blood type O. If little agglutination then its AB.
Flow of Blood through the Heart and Lungs and Body:
Blood goes through the right atrium from the vena cava. Then to right ventricle then through pulminary artery to the lungs where it is oxygenated, and then back to heart through pulmonary vein. Then received into the left atrium and then goes to the left ventricle. Then pumped through the aorta and body.
Heart Beat?:
Electrical impulses causes the atria to contract, the another nerve impulse causes the ventricles to contract as the atria relaxes and fills with blood.
Two numbers given in Blood Pressure reading?:
- 120/180
- Systolic Pressure-pressure of blood during heart contraction
- Dinstolic Pressure-pressure of blood during heart relaxation
Blood Clotting:
Plates secrete thrimbosplastin on rough edges of damaged part. When calcium and protein from blood plasma come in contact with the throthrombin it becomes thrombin. When when the thrombin comes in contact with another plasma substance called fibrinogen it becomes fibrin.The fibrin binds itself wtih he blood cells and platelets in that region to become the blood clot.
- carotid artery-Supplies Oxygenated blood to neck and head
- subclavian artery-supplies oxygenated blood to shoulders and arms
- aorta-largest artery
- brachial artery-located along medial surface of upper arm
- radial artery-located along lower arm to wrist
- iliac artery-oxygenated blood to repro. organs
- Femoral artery-located in upper legs
- jugular artery-drains blood from head and brain
- subclavian vein-drains blood from arms shoulders and chest
- superior vena cava-receives blood from all vessels above heart
- cephalic vein-drains blood into the subclavian
- inferior vena cava-receives blood from all vessels below heart
- femoral veins-drains blood from legs
- artery-transports blood away from heart
- vein-transports blood to heart
- pulmonary artery-blood from heart to lungs
- pulmonary vein-blood from lungs to heart
- right atrium-pumps blood from vena cava to right ventricle
- right ventricle-pumps blood from right ventricle to lungs
- left ventricle-blood to entire body
- left atrium-receives blood from the lungs
- arteries to head and arms-carries blood from aorta
- capillaries-blood vessels one cell thick;where diffusion takes place
- blood plasma-the liquid portion of blood
- albumus-proteins that regulate blood fluid volume
- edena-waterlogged tissue due to low albumins
- gammaglobelin-antibody that fights infection
- erythrocytes-RBC
- oxyhemoglobin-oxygenated blood cells
- anemia-inability for RBC to carry oxygen
- leucocytes-white blood cells
- infections-invasion of harmful organisms
- inflammation-swelling and redness due to infection
- PUS-accumulation of dead leucocytes
- 3%-eusinophils
- 1%-basophils
- 30%-lympphocytes
- monocytes-largest of the leucocytes: the phagocyte
- platelets-small bits of cytoplasma: aid in blood clotting
- serotonin-the hormone that causes blood vessel contraction
- coagulation-the formation of blood clotting
- blood clot-meshwork of blood cells and fibrin
- atheroscheerosis-narrowing and hardening of blood vessel
- embolus-a floating blood clot within a blood vessel
- stroke-a loss of blood supply to the brain
- coronary trombasis-when an embolus passes into the heart
- antigens-antibody stimulating molecules in RBC
- antibodies-a protein that renders substances harmless
- agglutinate-clumping of red blood cells
- venules-tiny veins with walls one cell
- pulse-the dialation and rebounding of an artery
- blood pressure-the preeesure against blood against wallks of arteries
- sphygmomanometer-measures blood pressure
- hypertension-high blood pressure
- systole-contraction of the heart muscle
- diastole-relaxation of the heart muscle
- conduction system of the heart-the nervous control of the heartbeat
- sinon trait moduel-causes the ventricles to contract
- EKG-graphical representation of heartbeat
- pacemaker-artigicial sinoatrial stimulator
- myocardium-muscular wall of the heart
- ateroiles-tiny arteries with walls one cell thick
- pericardium-fibers see that cover the heart
- epicardium- the connective tissue convering the heart
- myocardium-the muscualar tissue covering the heart
- endocardium-the inner surface of the heart chambers
- pulmonary-blood flow through the lungs
- systemic-blood flow through thee entire body
- hepatic portal-blood flow through the liver
- renal-kidneys