Chapter 22

  1. What are the five types of vehicle collisions?
    • 1. Frontal Collisions
    • 2. Rear-End Collisions
    • 3. Lateral Collisions
    • 4. Rollover Collisions
    • 5. Rotational Collisions
  2. What are the series of three collisions in a vehicle crash?
    • 1. Car against object
    • 2. Passanger against the interior of vehicle
    • 3. Collision of internal organs against body.
  3. What are the four types of collisions in a motorcycle crash?
    • 1. Head-on collision
    • 2. Angular collision
    • 3. Ejection
    • 4. Controlled crash
  4. What is considered a significant fall?
    15' or 3 times patients height
  5. What are the forces involved in a blast explosion?
    • 1. Primary blast
    • 2. Secondary blast
    • 3. Tertiary blast
    • 4. Miscellaneous blast
Card Set
Chapter 22
Trauma Overview