reed/green bacterium
4 properties of water
- Polar
- Hydrogen Bonds
- Exist in 3 states of matter
- present in liquid form only on earth
Temperature where water is densest
3.94 or 4 celcius
Property of water (heat)
Highest specific heat of any liquid (besides ammonia)
Equation for density of water
D= 1-(6.63*10^-6) *(T – 4)^2
Function of temperature and dissolved solids in water
Dynamic Viscosity
resistance to flow
Kinematic Viscosity
ratio of dynamic viscosity to density which determines how readily fluids flow
Phytoplantanton saturated light growth
50 micromoles m-2 s-1
Phytoplankton spring increase
Fish vision for predation
1.5 x 10-4
Negative phototaxis in crusteanceans
1 x 10-6
Measure of Light
Photon Flux
Photon Flux Density
A micromole m-2 s-1 is a measure of photon flux density
3 critical light values
- Photosnthesis
- Phototaxis
- Vision
Percolation or infiltration
sustains groundwater reservoirs
physiological requirement of water
2-3 liters per capita per day
domestic consumption of water
250 liters per day per capita
Agricultural use per capita of water
several thousand liters per day
3 reasons for potable water scarcity
- 1) Every person does not have equal access to available stream flow
- 2) Upstream use degrades and withdraws supply making water unavailable for many uses and users
- 3) Adequate water for the future requires sustainable management now.
amount of US water supply used for electricity
Definition of life
A complex, carbon-based, adaptive, energy transforming and self-replicating system dependent on liquid water as a mediator and catalyst of essential physical and chemical reactions
Bioenergetic equation
Energy required = Growth+maintenance+reproduction
FReshwater or Salt water organisms have higher metabolic rates
freshwater organisms have a higher basal metabolic rate than marine organisms
Direct colinization
Some elements of biota entered directly from marine environments by upstream migration.
Secondary Colinization
Many direct ancestors of the aquatic fauna were terrestial
Most diverse group in freshwater
insects (unsuccesful in the ocean)
Most abundent forms of life (Kingdom)
Eukaryota Kingdom
higher multicellular life
Archaea Kingdom
- RNA based
- Mainly extremophiles
Aquatic heterotroph
Aquatic Heterotrophs gather energy rich compounds from other organisms and span a great size range
Aquatic Autotrophs
Aquatic Autotrophs produce their own organic compounds and structures from inorganic substances.They span a narrower range of sizes than heterotrophs
Equation for Photosynthesis
6CO2 +6H2O = C6H12O6 + 6O2
Equation for respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 +6H2O
consume other fish
4 trophic levels
- Primary producer
- herbivores
- Planktivores
- Predators
photic zone
enought light for photosynthesis
aphotic zone
not enough light for photosynthesis
littoral zone
near shore, light penetrates to bottem
Profundal zone
the sediment zone at depths beyond where primary producers can live
Ground water
widely distributed water supply found in interstitial spaces in subsurface rocks and soils; after glaciers, the largest reservoir of fresh water on the globe
water table
upper surface of saturated groundwater
Head (loss)
vertical drop between two points in water table surface
Hydrolic Gradient
slope of the water table surface between two points (Head/horizontal distance)
Hydrolic Conductivity
rate of flow of groundwater for a slope of one
Rate of flow
Gradient * conductivity
unconfined aquifer
lacks impermeable layer over water table
confined aquifer
protected from surface water by impermeable layer
Cased well
impermeable material to prevent direct influence of surface water
Vadoe water
water in unsaturated pore spaces above water table
proportion of empty space in sediment,ground or rock
measure of ease water moves through material
body of rock or sediment that can supply water in useful amounts
recharge zone
area where aquifer gains water, always originates from surface water at some time and place.
Discharge zone
area where an aquifer loses water usually to stream, river, wetland or lake (low point in topography)
Hard water
High concentrations of Ca and Mg
Soft water
low concentrations of base metal ions and bicarbonates
Water's MAJOR ions
Na, K, Ca, Mg, HCO3, SO4, SiO2, Cl
Water's major NUTRIENTS
Nitrogen Phosphorus
Water's Trace elements
Transitional metals
Rain ph @ Unconatminated atmosphere
Chemical Weathering
is the addition of solutes into water by the dissolution of geological materials. It occurs primarily in soil horizons and ground water.
Physical Weathering
is the addition of insoluble mineral materials (and resistant organic fragments) which result from incongruent chemical weathering.
Congruent Chemical Weathering
occurs when a mineral is completely dissolved.
chemical weathering results when a mineral (usually a silicate mineral) is only partially solubilized and the products are a stable mineral phase such as a clay or iron oxide AS WELL AS cations and anions (usually bicarbonate ion).
4 way humans alter chemistry of ground water
- Introducing high concentrations of “natural” substances to ground water
- Leaking manufactured or refined liquids such as hydrocarbons from storage tanks into groundwater
- Leaching high concentrations of acids into groundwater from mine tailings or waste rock
- Drawing down water table may lead to salination of wells from deeper ground water
hydraulically smooth, strands of water slip over one another, and the organism, streamlines are parallel, faster strands slip over slower strands with little vertical mixing (exchange of water between stream segments)
hydraulically rough, chaotic eddies and swirls, streamlines are not parallel; effective vertical mixing as waters move up an down
Reynolds Number
mathematical expression relating velocity (V), viscosity (nu) and length, (L, linear dimension of an object), to determine if flow is turbulent or laminar
Equation for Reynolds Number
Re=VL/Nu Nu= viscosity
When Reynolds # is less than 500
When Renolds # is greater than 2000