true or false.
When HCO3 is raised so is the base excess.
True. This occurs in metabolic alkalosis. A respiratory alkalosis would have a raised pH with low CO2. BE and HCO3 may be normal or low if the body has compensated.
Normal HCO3 range
22-26. (remember a number in the 20s is normal)
Normal range for BE?
-2 TO +2.
When >+2 indicates a metabolic alkalosis or a compensated respiratory acidosis (where pH is down, CO2 is up and the bicarb raises to compensate).
Interpret the following:
pH 7.25
CO2 11kPa
O2 11kpa
BE +3
Compensated respiratory acidosis.
pH 7.6
CO2 5kpa
02 14kpa
bicarb 55
metabolic acidosis (no respiratory compensation as CO2 not increased from hypoventilation)
pH 7.4
CO2 10kpa
02 7kpa
BE +5
type II respiratory failure with chronic compensation of raised CO2.
CO2 must be >6.5 in type II with, often hypoxaemia (<8kpa).