Review Questions

  1. During the late nineteenth century, who could the Democratic party count on for vote?
    Irish Americans, New York City & the South
  2. In the late nineteenth century, the majority of big-city machines were which party?
  3. Which were the "swing states?"
    New York, Ohio & Indiana
  4. What were the factions of the Republican party & for what did they stand?
    halfbreeds, radical republicans, stalwalts
  5. The presidents of the late nineteenth century had one thing in common which was?
    weak & indisive and defered to congress
  6. What was it called when a goverment contractor was overpaid for work & under the table returned part of the surplus to the politicians who gave him the contract?
    kickbacks & sandbagging
  7. In part big-city machines were so successful why?
  8. At the end of the nineteenth century,big-city politics seemed to many to be dominated by immigrants from which country?
    Irish were demoniate
  9. Why were National party conventions more important in the late nineteenth century than today?
    we have binary promises & in the 19th century they had party connections and used them like horse trading "offices for favors" Republican's & Democrates
  10. The United States was rich in what?
    Capital so they were able to welcome foreign investment without fear of loosing control of their own economy
  11. Which two railroads were granted land under the Pacific Railway Act of 1862?
    California (Central Pacific Railroad Company) & Kansas (Union Pacific Railroad Company)
  12. By the time of the Civil War, the United States was the leader in what?
    Railroads & tracking
  13. Who was the financier who put together the funding to create United States Steel Corporation?
    Andrew Carneige
  14. The federal goverment encouraged construction of western railroads principally through what means?
    selling the land cheaper, exemption from taxes, town lots & cash bounties
  15. Andrew Carnegie's principal method of reducing the costs of steel manufacture was what?
    he cut the production costs in his mills so low that he could dictate the market price of steel, keeping his factories running at capacity & let other steel companies pick up what business he couldn't handle
  16. What did the priciple of limited liability mean?
    it means that whatever that person owns is there sole unlimited liability not investors, partners or any shareholders.
  17. In the nineteenth century, most American Marxian socialists came from where?
    Europe, the immigrants and there sons & daugthers
  18. Among the advocates of the Success Gospel was whom?
    Horatio Alger is the author to "Rags to Riches"
  19. In economist Thorstein Veblen's phrase, spending of money in such a way as to draw attention to one's wealth is called what?
    "conspicuous consumption"
  20. Why did the Supreme Court declared the Granger laws unconstitutional?
    because of anti-railroad pools & rebates
  21. Where was Herbert Spencer's philosophy most influential?
    when you were looking for an excuse
  22. What is Social Darwinism?
    philosophy or ideology that justified great wealth, even when made by ruthless & unethical means, by defining economic life in terms associated with the Darwinian theory of evolution" survival of the fittest, law of the jungle
  23. Andrew Carnegie is known for what?
    he was the most famous leader of industry, for his steel company, musuems libraries & universities also he's known as the 2nd richest man to Rockafeller
  24. The role of the women of "the idle rich" was what?
    to show how rich they were by spending there money
  25. By 1900, blacks played what role in labor relations?
    as the boogyman, if any labor man refused they would be replaced by the blacks from the south they were cheeper and would do more work
  26. Which labor organization was frankly, if secretly, committed to terrorist activities?
    k.k.k the klu klux klan
  27. Through most of its first three decades, the American Federation of Labor was led by whom?
    Sammuel Gompers
  28. Who were the "Old Immigrants?"
    all the immigrants from northern & western europe germans, french, britians & scandanavians making the first wave of immigrants right after the american independance
  29. "New Immigrants" originated chiefly from where?
    Eastern & Southern Europe & Turkish Empire
  30. During the last thrid of the nineteenth century, how did factories change?
    they switched from water power, to steam then to electric. it also grew in size & completion became bigger in size
  31. Skilled workers differed from unskilled workers in which ways?
    training & on the job experiance
  32. Why did immigrants from England, Scotland, & Wales fit in better?
    the spoke english, they looked more like americans they shared the same culture as well
  33. Where did a majority of New Immigrants settle?
    new york
  34. What do you call a social & educational center where social workers offered programs to help the urban poor?
    Settlement houses- were classes were held
  35. Sanitation problems in cities were compounded by what?
    horse feces
  36. The subject of how the Other half lives was what?
    between the rich & the poor
  37. Old-stock rural Americans looked on late-nineteenth-century metropolises as what?
    nasty places, where foreigniers lived, diesease was rampid and so was the crime
  38. What was true of immigrant urban ghettos?
    poverty stricken, crowded conditions, people of the same ethnic & linuistics all lived in the ghettos
  39. What happened to farm families during the late nineteenth century?
    they were kicked off the farms & replaced by machines they were needed anymore
  40. Prior to 1870 urban growth was limited chiefly by what?
Card Set
Review Questions
The American Past