LOA and SOP Questions

  1. Name the fixes on the ROYKO3 arrival
  2. Name the fixes on the WATSN1 arrival
  3. Name the fixes on the FISSK1 arrival
  4. What STARS service ORD landing to the West?
    ROYKO3, WATSN1, OXI4 (Non Advanced RNAV)
  5. What STARS service ORD landing to the East?
    ROYKO3, ESSPO direct, OXI.V340.HALIE (Non Advanced RNAV)
  6. What STARS service MDW airport?
    FISSK1, GSH4
  7. What is the crossing restriction for the WATSN1 arrival from FWA36?
    Cross 5nm east of WATSN @250, 240 does not need to be APREQed
  8. What is the crossing restriction for the OXI4 arrival from FWA36?
    Cross 35nm east of OXI @250, 240 does not need to be APREQed
  9. What is the crossing restriction for direct ESSPO from FWA36?
    Cross 65nm e ESSPO @250, 240 does not need to be APREQed
  10. What is the procedure for Midway arrivals from ZID to Logan?
    ZID flashes A/C to Logan @240 and Logan immediately flashes to Looth (if no traffic). A/C is shipped directly to Looth when crossing J80. Logan releases control to Looth for left turns up to 40 degrees.
  11. What restrictions are there for ORD arrivals coming from ZID?
    A/C will be AOB260 from ZID. ZAU has control for 30 degree turns and for A/C AOA240, ZAU has control for descent north of J80. A/C shall cross FRIDGE @240. Logan releases control for left turns up to 40 degrees to Looth.
  12. What altitude should A/C be transferred to the SE sector from Gipper, Joliet, and Rantoul/Chanute?
    Gipper AOB290, Joliet AOB330, Rantoul/Chanute AOB330 (only DAY included)
  13. For A/C landing EKM, ASW, SBN, and BEH, what altitude should we expect from ZID?
  14. For A/C landing BTL, what altitude should we expect from ZID?
  15. For ZAU arrivals, other than Chicago Metro arrivals, shall be at what altitude?
    shall be descended so as to be level at FL240 not less than 80nm from the destination airport
  16. For A/C coming from I75 or I89 landing DTW routed through FWA, what is the altitude restriction and control released from ZID to ZAU?
    AOB330, ZAU has control for descent and turns up to 30 degrees, 12nm north of J80
  17. For aircraft routed to DET through FWA, what is the altitude restriction and control released from ZID to ZAU?
    AOB290, ZAU has control for 30 degree turns and descent 12nm north of J80
  18. For aircraft routed to YQG through FWA,what is the altitude restriction and control released from ZID to ZAU?
    AOB290, ZAU has control for 30 degree turns and descent north of J80
Card Set
LOA and SOP Questions
ATC Questions