P-C: Mental Training Exercise

  1. Success Mechanism:

    Mental Training Exercise
    • 1. AIM
    • 2. TRUST
    • 3. RELAX
    • 4. LEARN
    • 5. DO
  2. Success Mechanism

    1. AIM
    2. TRUST
    3. RELAX
    4. LEARN
    5. DO
    AIM = Your built-in success mechanism must have a goal or "target". This goal, or target, must be conceived of as "already in existence — now" either in actual or potential form. It operates by either (1) steering you to a goal already in existence or by (2) "discovering" something already in existence.
  3. Success Mechanism

    1. AIM
    2. TRUST
    3. RELAX
    4. LEARN
    5. DO
    TRUST = The automatic mechanism is tele-logical, that is, operates, or must be oriented to "end results," goals. Do not be discouraged because the "means whereby" may not be apparent. It is the function of the automatic mechanism to supply the "means whereby" when you supply the goal. Think in terms of the end result, and the means whereby will often take care of themselves.
  4. Success Mechanism

    1. AIM
    2. TRUST
    3. RELAX
    4. LEARN
    5. DO
    RELAX = Do not be afraid of making mistakes, or of temporary failures. All servo-mechanisms achieve a goal by negative feed-back, or by going forward, making mistakes, and immediately correcting course. Automatic course correction is one of the many benefits of Psycho-Cybernetics.
  5. Success Mechanism

    1. AIM
    2. TRUST
    3. RELAX
    4. LEARN
    5. DO
    LEARN = Skill learning of any kind is accomplished by trial and error, mentally correcting aim after an error, until a "successful" motion, movement or performance has been achieved. Alter that, further learning, and continued success, is accomplished by forgetting the past errors, and remembering the successful response, so that it can be "imitated".
  6. Success Mechanism

    1. AIM
    2. TRUST
    3. RELAX
    4. LEARN
    5. DO
    DO = You must learn to trust your creative mechanism to do its work and not "jam it" by becoming too concerned or too anxious as to whether it will work or not, or by attempting to force it by too much conscious effort. You must "let it" work, rather than "make it" work. This trust is necessary because your creative mechanism operates below the level of consciousness, and you cannot "know" what is going on beneath the surface. Moreover, its nature is to operate spontaneously according to present need. Therefore, you have no guarantees in advance. It comes into operation as you act and as you place a demand upon it by your actions. You must not wait to act until you have proof — you must act as if it is there, and it will come through. "Do the thing and you will have the power," said Emerson.
  7. Success Mechanism

    Goal or Target Setting Exercise
    Select a target and write down! Devote just 10 or 15 minutes every day to taking that mental picture from a vague idea to a good sketch to a finally detailed, fully fleshed out and colored vision that occurs to you exactly the same way whenever called upon. As you are watching this 'minds eye' video of yourself, intensify you feelings towards this person. See and feel the changes becoming real and how much better your life will be when that person 'The Ideal You' becomes a reality. ----------- If it helps to write out descriptions, or to draw illusions on paper, or to collect relevant pictures from magazines, do it! Just stick to 10 or 15 minute sessions, when you close your eyes to the outer world and open them only to this picture’s continuing development. Try this little experiment for 21 days (the time it takes to establish a new habit) and see what happens!
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P-C: Mental Training Exercise
P-C: Mental Training Exercise