
  1. 1. Coordination (Supine Arms "Open/Close")
    • 1R Standard
    • 1G Heavy

    • Supine, knees at 90
    • I:Prepare
    • 2. Curl up arms to hips and legs open 45/close

    • Advanced:. I:sit up arms to hips and extend legs straight. X:x2 to open and close. I:to bend knees to 90 X:to return
    • Super Advanced:Arms in 90, I:prepare, X lift upper body and extend arms, I extend knees straight, X x2 open/close, I bring legs back to 90 and arms to 90
  2. 2. Round back on Short box (Abs)

    • All Springs and 2nd gear to get strap.
    • Knees bent/feet under foot strap
    • Arms folded in front. Back straight
    • I:Prepare,
    • X:Draw abs and curl lumbar spine into fexion and lean back.
    • I:Hold position,
    • X:Round fwd,
    • I:Straighten spine

    • V:Magic Circle or dowel
    • VC:Shribs and abs
  3. 3. Flat Back on Short Box (Abs and Back Extensors)
    • All Springs and 2nd gear to get strap.
    • Knees bent/feet under foot strap
    • Hands behind head, back straight
    • I:Lean back with straight spine
    • X:Return to start with straight spine

    • V:Magic Circle or dowel
    • VC:Shribs and TA's
  4. 4. Tilt on Short Box (abs with emphasis on obliques)
    • All Springs and 2nd gear to get strap.
    • Knees bent/feet under foot strap
    • Hands behind head, back straight
    • I:Tilt to one side (both sitz bones on box) (Lateral Flexion)
    • X:return to center
    • Repeat to ther side

    • V:Magic Circle or dowel above head
    • VC:Shribs and TA's (pinch side)
  5. 5.Twist on Short Box (abs w/emphasis on obliques)

    • All Springs and 2nd gear to get strap.
    • Knees bent/feet under foot strap
    • I:Rotate spine and tilt diagonally backward (sitz bones down)
    • X:Return to Center
    • Repeat other side

    • V:Magic circle or dowel above head
    • VC:Shribs and TA's
  6. 6. Side over on Short Box (Abs)
    • All Springs and 2nd gear to get strap.
    • Sitting sideways on short box, one foot under strap other knee bent on top of box
    • Hands behind head, body in diagonal position.
    • I:Side bend over
    • X:Lower tummy, and return to diagonal

    • V:I side bend, X twist body and face floor. I return to side, X return to start
    • V:Use ballet arms throughout series
    • VC:Shribs, TA's. Lengthen or straighten leg under strap.
  7. 7. Reverse Crunch with straps on knees (Abs/hip flexor)
    • 1R Standard
    • Supine facing shoulder rest, straps on bent knees, hands behind head
    • I:Prepare
    • X:Curl upper body into crunch position
    • I:To hold
    • X:Pull knees toward chest into tabletop
    • I:Extend legs out to start postion

    • V:Put dowel thru straps, rest dowel on lower quads
    • VC:Small movement, lower tummy. Watch hair in springs.
  8. 8. Reverse Crunch with Oblique Twist (Obliques/hip flexor)

    • 1R Standard
    • Supine facing shoulder rest, straps on bent knees, hands behind head
    • I:Prepare
    • X:Curl upper body to crunch
    • X:Pull one knee to chest and rotate to one side
    • I:Back to center
    • X:Twist to other side.

    • V:Put dowel thru straps, rest dowel on lower quads
    • VC:Small movement, lower tummy. Watch hair in springs.
    • VC:Move ribcage to hipbone not elbow to knee
  9. 9. Stomach Massage with Round Back ( Abs, knee extensor/ankle plantar flexor)
    • 1R1B Standard
    • Sit facing footbar, toes on footbar in turned out position.
    • Hands on front of carriage, spine rounded
    • I:Prepare
    • X:For a long time while you extend legs and drop heels and lift toes
    • I:Bend knees to start position

    V:Grippy under sitz bones to keep from sliding
  10. 10. Stomach Massage with Flat Back (Back extensors/Abs)
    • 1R1B Standard
    • Sit with toes on footbar turned out. Hands on shoulder rest, fingers backward
    • Spine very straight
    • I:Prepare
    • X:For long and extend legs, drop heels lift toes
    • I:Bend knees back to start, repeat

    • V:Use grippy under sitz bones
    • V:Digestive track benefits!
  11. 11. Stomach Massage with Arms Reaching(Back Extensors)
    • 1R and 1B Standard
    • Sit w/toes on footbar turned out. Spine very straight, arms reaching up to diagonal.
    • I: Prepare
    • X: Long to extend legs, drop heels/lift toes
    • I: Bend knees and repeat

    • V: Advanced may hold dowel above head
    • V: Use grippy under glutes
  12. 12. Supine Arm Circles with Long Box - Teaser Prep! (Abs, spine extension)
    • 1R Standard
    • Supine on long box - shoulders off box
    • Arms reach overhead holding straps, palms up, knees in table top
    • I:Roll up pulling arms out to T then down to sides (side arm circle)
    • X:Reverse arm movement and roll down to start.

    *Note:As arms circle, hands rotate

    V:4 Breathe for new clients. I prepare, X curl up, I hold and X lower back down with control
  13. 13. Spine Articulation with leg Extension (Abs/Hamstrings) HEADREST DOWN
    • 2R 1B Standard
    • Headrest Down
    • Supine, toes on footbar, legs parallel, arms by sides
    • I:Prepare
    • X:Tuck pelvis under pressing lumbar spine down, lift hips to ceiling
    • I:Pause
    • X:Extend legs straight - push carriage out
    • I:Bend knees
    • X:Lower spine down - imprint one vert at time

    • V:Cramping - go to heels on footbar and ball between knees for alignment
    • VC:Carriage doesn't move during pelvic curl. No hip external rotation. Hips high as return to stopper
  14. 14. Short Spine Stretch (Abs/spinal articulation/Ham stretch) HEADREST DOWN!
    • 2R 1B Standard
    • Supine legs in straps, knees bend in frog HEADREST DOWN
    • I:Prepare
    • X:Extend legs straight
    • I:Bring legs overhead and feel hamstring stretch (pelvis down)s:
    • X:TA's and pelvic curl, lift to shoulder stand. Legs straight toes pointed
    • I:Externally rotate hips and bend knees to frog
    • X:Articulate spine and roll back down w/o moving carriage
    • I:Return to frog (carriage will move)

    Note:6 Breathes
  15. 15. Long Spine (Abs/Hams/Spinal Artic/Hip extensor)
    • 2R 1B Standard
    • Supine legs in straps, straight and 60 degrees, arms by sides
    • I:Bring legs straight up toward ceiling
    • X:TAs to pelvic curl to shoulder stand with legs straight.
    • I:Open legs slightly
    • X:Roll down spine one vert at time and circle legs to start position.

    • Note:4 Breathes

  16. 16. Frog Variatiton (Hip adductors/adductor flexibility)
    • 2R 1B Standard
    • Supine w/feet in straps, legs extended straight and turned out
    • I:Open legs to V
    • X:Bend knees to frog (w/o moving carriage) and continue to exhale to extended legs straight start position.

    VC:Like a reversed "Breaststroke swimming kick"
  17. 17. Frog Variation Reversed (Hip adductors/adductor Flexibility
    • 2R 1B Standard

    • Supine w/straps on feet, legs extended turned out
    • I:Bend knees into frog and extend into a V (carriage still from frog to V)
    • X:From V pulling legs straight into center to start position

    VC:Like "breastroke swimming kick"

  18. 18. Kneeling Round Back
    • 1R Standard
    • Kneeling on carriage feet flexed on shoulder rest, hands shoulder width apart on footbar fully extended
    • Lumbar spine in flexion, thoracic in neutral.
    • Arms fully extended for start
    • I:Push carriage back, keep lumbar in flexion.
    • X:Recruit "shribs" and draw abs in while pulling carriage back to start

    V:1R and 1B to start for new clients
  19. 19. Kneeling Flat Back (abs/cack extensors/hip & knee control)
    • 1R Standard
    • Kneeling on carriage feet flexed on shoulder rest, hands shoulder width apart on footbar fully extended.
    • Lumbar and thoracic in neutral.Arms fully extended for start
    • I:Push carriage back, keep flat back
    • X:Recruit "shribs" and draw abs in while pulling carriage back to start

    V:1R and 1B to start for new clients
  20. 20. Down Stretch (Abs/back extensors/shoulder control)
    • 1R Standard
    • Kneeling on carriage, feet flexed on shoulder rest, hands shoulder width apart on footbar fully extended.
    • Aim hipbones at footbar, but keep lumbar neutral and thoracic in extension.
    • I:Prepare
    • X:Push carriage back thoracic extension/lumbar neutral
    • I:Engage "shribs" and bring carrriage back to start lifting up thtrrough sternum

    VC:A good visual is pendulum swinging or a Nike Swoop
  21. 21. Up Stretch 2 (Abs/back extensors/scapula stabilization)
    • 1R Standard
    • Start in UP#1 except standing on reformer.
    • On toes with heels on shoulder rests. Hands on footbar.
    • Keep long neck and traps relaxed Cue "Shribs"
    • I:Lower body into a plank position
    • X:Return to start position

    • VC:Hinging on shoulder joint and then hip joint.
    • VC:Rotating around shoulders to initiate exercise. Try not to recruit quads, only abs.
  22. 22. Up Stretch 3 (Abs/back extensors/scapula stabilization)
    • 1R Standard
    • Start in UP#1 except standing on reformer.
    • On toes with heels on shoulder rests. Hands on footbar. (Long neck/traps relaxed) VC:Shribs
    • I:Lower body into plank
    • X:Recruit "shribs" and pull body forward over footbar in plank until carriage reaches stopper
    • I:Pause
    • X:Draw abs in and return to UP#1 start position

    Note:UP3 combines UP1 & 2. Abs do work, not quads.
  23. 23. Long Stretch (Abs/trunk & scapula stabiliz/shoulder strength)
    • 1R Standard
    • Start in plankw/hands on footbar and heels at shoulder rests.
    • Carriage is at stopperr
    • I:Prepare
    • X:Push carraige away using abs to keep spin neutral
    • I:Recruit Shribs and bring body forward until carriage reaches stopper

    VC:It's like the "ab roller" ecercise on the floor
  24. 24. Reverse Kneeling Abdominals (Abs/hip flexor strength)
    • 1R standard

    • Kneeling, knees 2" behind shoulder rest, top of thighs touch shoulder rest
    • Wrists below shoulders
    • I:Prepare
    • X: Recruit "shribs" and abs to pull shoulders over hands. Draw knees forward and create lumbar flexion
    • I:Extend knees to 90 hip flexion. Repeat

    Note:Shoulder angle remains 90 once excerise begins. This is leg slide fundamentals. Can use grippy under each hand

    • V: Obique...put both hands on one side thumbs out of wooden frame. Then switch sides.
    • VC: All that is moving is lower half so stabilize shoulders "shribs" use lower tummy.

  25. 25. Seated Arm Series on Carriage (Same as arms on Long Box)
    • 1R Standard
    • Same series as seated on long box.
    • Client now sitting on carriage with legs extended between shoulder rests.
    • Client may cross ankles to fit comfortably or sit criss/cross/applesauce
    • Engage Smile muscle, Squeeze thighs. Legs are active.

    V:Use phone book if client lacks hamstring flexibility
  26. 26. Kneeling Arm Series Chest Expansion (Lats/shoulder strenght/elbow strength)
    • 1R Standard
    • Kneeling on carriage with knees against shoulder rests.
    • Pulling straps with palms facing backward
    • I: Prepare
    • X: Pull arms to side of body while keeping wrists straight
    • I: Return arms forward

    • Note: 3 Arm positions.
    • VC:Easy to fall in this position. Spot client.
  27. 27. Kneeling Arm Circles (Anterior Delts/Pecs major)
    • 1B Standard
    • Kneeling on carriage facing footbar with feet flexed against shoulder rest.
    • Sit on heels to grab straps
    • I:Prepare
    • X:Scoop arms up with palms facing up. As arms reach the top, palms turn forward.
    • I:Open arms out to the side and down

    Note:Always rotate from shoulders, wrists or palms are last to rotate.
  28. 28. Reverse Kneeling Arm Circles (Delts/shoulder abductor strength)
    • 1B Standards. Kneel facing footbar w/feet flexed on shoulder rests
    • I: Prepare
    • X: Open arms up and out to side, making sure hands are never open behind shoulder. Continue X whiile arms circle up with palms facing forward.
    • I: turn palms up to ceiling and bring arms back down to sides

    Note: Always rotate from shoulders, wrists or palms are last to rotate.
  29. 29. Kneeling Triceps - Shave behind head (Triceps/elbow extensor)
    • 1B Standard
    • Kneel facing footbar
    • Holding straps with arms behind head and elbows opened wide.
    • I: Prepare
    • X: Straighten arms up on a diagonal
    • I:Lowerr hands behind head.

    • Note: Straps should not touch shoulders.
    • VC:imagine lengthening arms as hands go up, shoulders press down.
  30. 30. Biceps (Biceps/elbow fexor strength/shoulder flexor flexibility)
    • 1R

    • Kneel facing footbar
    • Hold straps while arms reach behind.
    • I:Prepare
    • X:Bend elbow curling hands forward feeling bicep contract.
    • I:Straighten arms behind to starting position

    VC: Sit up tall, neutral spine and gaze eye level....shribs!

Card Set
Reformer level 2