Anatomy II Final

  1. (Appositional/Interstitial) is the medical term that describes how bone grows when tissue is added to teh outside of bone.
  2. A fracture of a bone that is broken completely into two pieces that protrudes through the skin is:

    D. Complete: Open
  3. When you turn your head to look at the person sitting next to you, what motion are you performing?
  4. T/F A single efferent neuron, with all of the skeletal muscle fibers that it innervates, is called a motor unit.
  5. If BOTOX blocks the release of acetylcholine from the synaptic bouton, what will happen to the muscle?

    B. Flaccid paralysis
  6. The glial cells in the PNS responsible for myelination of nerves are called:
    Schwanne cells
  7. What is the term for the condition where a patient cannot form memories after a specific incident?
    anterograde amnesia
  8. Which of these have myelinated axons?

  9. T/F The parasympathetic division of the ANS is known as the craniosacral division.
  10. T/F The vagus nerve supplies all parasympathetic innervation for all digestive organs that precede the splenic flexure (through the first 1/2 of the colon).
  11. Secretions such as insulin from the pancreas that are released into the blood stream and effect target cells wherever they are found in the body are called:
  12. What is the scientific name for the anterior 2/3-3/4 of the pituatary gland?
  13. Name the lipid from which steroid hormones are formed.
  14. T/F In a portal system, blood leaves one capillary bed and is carried to another before it returns to the heart.
  15. Which carries high-oxygen blood in the pulmonary circuit?

    A. Vein
  16. What do we call an open blood vessel that causes blood to bypass a capillary bed (or organ)?
  17. Which of the following features of cardiac muscle fibers DOES NOT help the heart beat and contract as a single unit?

    A. a single nucleus
  18. What is the name for the membranous sac surrounding the heart?
  19. Which two arteries branch from the left coronary artery?

    A. Circumflex Artery and Anterior IV Artery
  20. T/F The right atrium receives venous blood from the systemic circuit.
  21. T/F The left atrium has the opening for the coronary sinus.
    False--Right atrium!
  22. T/F the Left ventricle pumps blood into the systemic circuit
  23. T/F SA node->AV node-> Purkinje fibers->Bundle branches
    False! SA node->AV node->Bundle branches-> Purkinje fibers
  24. T/F The "T wave" in the EKG corresponds to atrial repolarization.
  25. T/F Blood will continue to pump through the pulmonary and systemic circuit in a person undergoing ventricular fibrilization?
  26. What is the cardiac output of a patient with an ESV=50mL, an EDV=120mL, and a heart rate of 70 beats per minute?

    4900 mL/min
  27. What is the stroke volume of a pateint with an ESV=50 mL and an EDV=120mL?
  28. T/F If the right ventricle of the heart pumps more blood than the left ventricle you will develop pulmonary edema.
  29. In fetal circulation, the purpose for the shunts ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale are to move oxgenated blood to the left side of the heart for systemic circulation. (T/F)
  30. What structure in the mature heart is the remnant of the ductus arteriosis from the fetal circulation?
    Ligamentum Arteriosum
  31. Which of the three regions of the pharynx is the most inferior?
  32. T/F Bronchioles have cartilage in their walls to help keep them open.
Card Set
Anatomy II Final
Test #3