The _ Ages is the _ years from the fall of _ to the beginning of the Rennessance. What are the periods(4)?
- Middle, 1000, rome
- 1. Early Christian
- 2. Byzantine
- 3. Romanesque
- 4. Gothic
European society in the early middle ages was predominately?
In 312, the Roman Emperor Consantine coverted to?
The earliest christian art is from?
In 330, Constantine issue the?
Eclib of Milan
In 330, Constantine moved the capital of the roman empire to?
Constantine was the 1st great patron of _ art and built the 1st _(s) in the city of rome.
christian, churches
In 380, _ proclaimed _ as the official religion of roman empire.
Theodorus, christianity
In 391, theodorus banned the worship of _ religions?
In 395, Roman Empire permanantly divided into _ and _ halves?
Eastern, Western
In 410, the city of Rome fell to the _ _?
Visogoth Alaric
When christianity stopped being an underground religion it needed?
- 1. Architecture
- 2. architecture decoration to reflect its imprially sponsored status
- 3. Visual Language
- .