Recognize the three main steps in building a church. (Sect. 12)
12.1 Gather people
12.2 Form a community with those people
12.3 Get that community doing ministry
Explain (in 1 paragraph each) any three of the ten strategies for gathering people. (Sect. 13)
- Where do planter’s strengths and felt needs of the potential members meet?
- It’s important to live in the location of the plant
- Time is short: it is strongly preferable to get to over 100 people in first two years
- If it takes longer, the early joiners/team become demoralized
- If it takes longer, the morale and energy of the planter can’t be sustained, especially if the planter is bivocational
- Initial goal: finding the hearts God has prepared
- Gathering is a large numbers game
- Example: planter in UK with 200,000 contacts
- Implications for time management
- Implications for specialized gathering events & activities
- Must be prepared for planned and unplanned opportunities to find those God has prepared
- 13.6.1 Most gathering is intensely personal and relational
- 13.6.2 Have to tell your story and tell your vision thousands of times to get hundreds
- A complete “start to finish” evangelism strategy is needed 13.7.1 Build relationships – earn the right to invite.
- 13.7.2 Be a chaplain.
- 13.7.3 Invite people to a church which will be friendly, understandable, engaging, and where the gospel will be heard along with opportunities to pray and make a commitment.
- 13.7.4 Some kind of inquiry or information class on what it means to be a Christian (e.g., Alpha) should be in place.
- 13.7.5 Challenge people to make a commitment to Christ.
- 13.7.6 Give clear direction for small groups and ministry.
- 13.8 A gathering point/regular event is important early on
- 13.8.1 Location can be crucial
- 13.8.2 Sunday AM is key, but not before ready to demonstrate full service church
- 13.8.3 Sunday can be main front door if...
- 13.8.4 Personal follow-up of newcomers is essential
- Use your house
- 13.9 Make yourself visible in the community 13.9.1 Signs
- 13.9.2 Website
- 13.9.3 Make regular use of other communication tools (email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
- 13.9.4 Put on or join community service projects
- 13.9.5 Meet people of influence/invite people of influence
- 13.9.6 Make use of other large events, e.g. July 4 parade
- Facilitate involvement and relationship
- 13.10.1 Offer regular “welcome,” “next step” or membership classes
- 13.10.2 Keep the bar low on small groups
- 13.10.3 Answer the phone/email!
Recognize the strategies for forming community. (Sect. 14)
- 14.1 Goal is to move beyond audience to community or family
- 14.2 The key is relationship
- 14.3 Safe atmosphere is important – legalism will kill
- 14.4 Make opportunities for relationship to happen 14.4.1 Small groups
- New groups for new people
- Short term groups with signups
- 15-20 per group is ideal
- 14.4.2 Food and drink
- 14.4.3 Retreats
- 14.4.4 Parties
- 14.4.5 Trips
- 14.4.6 Service projects, mission trips, etc.
Recognize the strategies for getting people into ministry. (Sect. 15)
- 5.1 Pray for ministries and leaders – in general and in specific
- 15.2 Set expectations
- 15.2.1 Every member serves
- 15.2.2 No service is insignificant
- 15.2.3 Not about doing everything right
- 15.3 Discover spiritual gifts
- 15.4 Clarify vision and job and commitment
- 15.5 Identify volunteers
- 15.6 Recruit
- 15.7 Train
- 15.7.1 On the job training is more effective
- 15.7.2 Do nothing alone
- 15.8 Deploy
- 15.9 Monitor
- 15.9.1 Relationship is primary
- 15.10 Nurture
- 15.10.1 Thanks and recognition go a long way
- 15.10.2 Make room for growth – training and promotion
Recognize aspects of putting together and implementing a two-year, church planting plan. (Sect. 16.1, 16.2
& 16.3)
Putting together and implementing a two-year plan
- 16.1 Why one should have a specific two-year plan
- You have to plan (do 80% of the work) to make room for God to do things (20% of the time).
- 16.2 Use goals and activities and calendar
- 16.2.1 Very specific for first six months, more general after that
- 16.3 Elements to include
- 16.3.1 Small groups
- 16.3.2 Evangelism
- 16.3.3 Worship
- 16.3.4 Discipleship
- 16.3.5 Leadership and decision-making
- 16.3.6 Ministry to the poor
- 16.3.7 Money questions
- 16.3.8 Spiritual gifts / lay ministry
- 16.3.9 Missions and church planting
- 16.3.10 Prayer ministry
- 16.3.11 Teaching approach
- 16.3.12 Leadership training
- 16.3.13 Gathering activities should have first priority
- 16.3.14 Have to be prepared to adjust to unexpected events
- 16.3.15 Build in regular time for contact with coach