Blood Vessels

  1. Arteries
    blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. Most arteries carry oxygenated blodd except the pulmonary artery. The aorta is the largest artery in the human body. Blood moves under high pressure.
  2. veins
    Blood vessel that carry blood towards the heart. Most veins carry deoxygenated blood, except the pulmonary veins. The vena cava is the largest vein in the human body. blood moves under low pressure. Veins are referred to as blood reservoir. Veins have valves.
  3. Factors that move blood through veins:
    Skeletal muscle contractions, blood vessel spasm, respiratory movement
  4. capillaries
    blood vessels that form link between the smallest arteries and smallest veins. one layer of cells thick made up of simple squamous epithelium.
  5. tunica externa
    outer layer of arteries and veins
  6. media
    middle layer of arteries and veins
  7. intima
    inner layer of arteries and veins
  8. pulmonary circut
    blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart
  9. systemic circut
    blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to all body parts and back to the heart
  10. factors that affect blood pressure
    cardiac output, blood volume, peripheral resistance and blood viscocity
  11. stroke(cerebro Vascular accident)
    condition brought about by blocking of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain
  12. heart attack
    condition that results from the blocking of blood vessels that supply blood to the heart
  13. arterosclerosis
    condition that results from accumulation of plaque in blood vessels
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Blood Vessels
blood vessels