What is necessary to make memorable designs?
- observation
- asking questions
- research
- planning
- trial and error
Two groups of people to think about in any design challenge
- senders of the message
- receivers of the message
What is the first kind of research you'll do?
What is a design diary?
a notebook you can carry with you and record anything that catches your eye
What is another good way to gather information?
asking friends or relatives questions about designs, such as "What did you notice first about a ticket? What information on it is most important to you?"
What is copyright?
special rights given by law to authors, designers, or corporations that protect their work from piracy
Ways to brainstorm
- making long lists of words relating to the project
- thinking of an idea and its opposite
- pairing an object with another object that seems to have nothing to do with it
What is a metaphor?
a way of speaking symbollically that suggests that one object or idea is another
What is a simile?
tells you that one thing is like another
What are thumbnails?
small sketches, like doodles that are made quickly to explore the ideas that result from your research and brainstorming
What does sketching start with?
What is a design direction?
a rough proposal for a whole design
What should each design direction have?
a different visual "hook", a striking element that pulls the viewer in
What is a design hierarchy?
an arrangement of the design elements that leads the viewer's eye carefully around the design and leaves a distinct overall impression; as important in a simple logo as it is in a complicated page layout
What are the elements of art?
- Line
- Shape and form
- Value and Color
- Space
- Texture
What are the Principles of Design?
- unity
- variety
- balance
- proportion
- emphasis
- pattern
- rhythm/movement
What are tight sketches, also known as comprehensives, or comps?
layouts that suggest actual dimensions and precise placement of elements
What should you client be able to do when you present your tight sketches?
to see clearly the directions you're proposing
What do you have to remember as you discuss changes?
you are working to please your client, not yourself; in the end, it is the client who has to be happy with the job