Cross Section upper ext.

  1. located on the anterior surface of the scapula is a beaklike process termed the_____________?
    coracoid process
  2. What is the glenoid labrum and which ligaments contribute to its formation?
    it is a fribrocartilaginous ring. makes the articulating surface deeper and is formed by the 3 glenohumoral ligaments
  3. On axial CT images of the elbow the head of the radius is seen _________ to the ulna.
  4. which group of ligaments contributes to the formation of the the glenoid labrum?
  5. what four muscles make up the rotator cuff?
    supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor
  6. The tendon of the _____________________ muscle is the most frequently injured tendon of the rotator cuff because of impingement as it extends under the acromioclavicular joint and continues over the humeral head.
  7. The __________________________ muscle is the only muscle of the rotator cuff located on the anterior surface of the scapula; its tendon inserts on the lesser tubercle of the humerus
  8. what is the primary function of the glenoid labrum?
    deepens the glenoid fossa
  9. The trochlea of the humerus articulates with the capitellum of the radius.
    False( the trochlea articulates with the ulna, whereas the capitellum articulates with the radius )
  10. A depression located on the anterior surface of the distal humerus is termed the __________________________.
    coronoid fossa
  11. The _____________________ligament reinforces the medial side of the elbow.
    ulnar collateral
  12. A ligamentous structure known as the ___________________________ creates an enclosure across the carpal tunnel for the passage of tendons and the median nerve.
    flexor retinaculum
  13. Image Upload 2
    • A) proximal interphalangeal joint
    • B) metacarpal head
  14. Image Upload 4
    • A) Radial Artery
    • B) Ulnar Artery
  15. Image Upload 6
    • A Sternoclavicular joint
    • B medial margin of scapula
    • C scapula
    • D corocoid process
    • E scapular spine
  16. Image Upload 8
    • A lateral epicondyle
    • B capitellum
    • C radial head
    • D olecranon fossa
  17. Image Upload 10
    • A: labrum
    • B: acromion
    • C: deltoid muscle
    • D: glenoid fossa
    • E: supraspinatus
  18. Image Upload 12'
    • A: Fifth Metacarpal
    • D: Capitate
    • I: Trapezoid
    • L: Styloid process of radius
    • R: Hamate
  19. What nerve is immediately under the flexor retinaculum on the lateral side of the carpal tunnel?
    median nerve
  20. The____________ligament reinforces the medial side of the elbow?
    Ulnar collateral
  21. The tendon that is located in the bicipital groove is the tendon for the?
    Deltoid Muscle
  22. The _________ contributes to the formation of the labrum?
    3 glenohumoral ligaments
  23. shoulder girdle consists of?
    Scapula, clavicle, and humerus
  24. Is the clavicle located anterior or posterior on the body?
  25. what type of bode is the scapula?
    flat bone
  26. what are the borders of the scapula?
    superior, lateral and medial borders
  27. what are the landmarks of the scapula and where are they located?
    • scapular notch: on the superior border
    • Corocoid process: beak like projection
  28. what are the fossas above and below the glenoid fossa?
    supra and infraglenoid fossa
  29. medial border of the scapula is also termed?
    lateral border of the scapula is also termed?
    • vertebral border
    • axillary border
  30. apex of the scapula is called?
    inferior spine
  31. Is the corocoid process anterior or posterior?
  32. Image Upload 14
    • A: Humerus
    • B:
    • C: Tendon of triceps muscle
    • D: olecranon fossa
    • E: coronoid process
    • F:ulna
    • G:
    • H: biceps tendon
    • I:brachialis
    • J:
  33. which is larger the distal radius or distal ulna?
    Distal radius
  34. the flexor retinaculum extends between what two bones to form a roof over the carpal tunnel?
    hamate and trapezium
  35. What ulnar artery is _____________to the flexor retinculum and is on the _________side of the formarm
    Superficial; anteromedial
  36. The trochlea of the humerus articulates with what notch of the ulna?
    trochlear notch
  37. Where does the triceps brachii muscle insert on the ulna?
    olecranon process of the ulna
  38. what is the superficial and deeper brachialis muscle that inserts on the ulna?
    biceps brachii
  39. the triceps brachii is located on the __________compartment of the arm?
    the biceps brachii is located on the __________compartment of the arm?
    • posterior
    • anterior
  40. which vein is a superficial vein on the medial side of the arm?
    which vein is a superficial on the anterolateral side of the arm?
    • basilica is on the medial side
    • cephalic is on the anterolateral side
  41. Which muscle covers the shoulder?
    Deltoid muscle
  42. Image Upload 16
    • Axial Elbow
    • A. Lateral Epicondyle
    • B. Olecranon Fossa of humerus
    • C. Olecranon Process of Ulna
    • D. Ulnar nerve
    • E. Medial Epicondyle
  43. Image Upload 18
    • A. Middle Phalanx of 3rd Digit
    • B. Flexor digitorum tendon
    • C. Distal Phalanx of Thumb
    • D. Flexor digitorum tendon
    • E. Proximal Phalanx of Thumb
    • F. Head of fifth metacarpal
Card Set
Cross Section upper ext.
cross section upper ext.