Lecture 3: Pauline Lit and Theology

  1. What is the date and place from which 2 Corinthians was written?
    55-56 AD (1 year after 1 Cor) probably from Ephesus.
  2. What is the date and place from which Romans was written?
    56-58 AD from Corinth
  3. This is the background material, occassion and purpose of which letter?

    Paul intended to return to Corinth after staying in Ephesus and announces his plan to them to visit before and after his travels to Macedonia. However, on his was to Macedonia, he ended up dealing with a man who opposed him to his face and found out some of the church agreed with this man, which lead Paul to say it was a "painful visit." To avoid further pain to himself or the church, he decided to send a letter instead of coming in person so the letter was blunt about the offense and transparent about Paul's deep love for the Corinthians. He was axious about the response to the first letter so he sent a follow up letter to Titus. Paul went to Troas, then Macedonia looking for Titus but finding a man that repented under the discipline of the Corinthians and the fellowship through godly sorrow had been reconciled back to Paul.

    Occasion and Purpose:
    Paul responds to them about Titus's good report of reconciliation.
    Collection for the poor in Jerusalam
    Gives arguments for the collection and how it is to be handled.
    Addresses Paul's opponents
    Might not be a single letter since there is an appearance of another group of opponents to Paul seen in Ch 10-13
    2 Corinthians
  4. This is the background material, occassion and purpose of which letter?

    The church was founded before Paul's arrival by either visitors or possibly converted after hearing Peter's sermon at Pentecost. There was approx. 40,000-50,000 Jews living here and the early church consisted of Jews and proselytes won over to Christ. Claudius expelled the Jews from the city in 49AD and upon his death in 54 AD they were allowed to return. The church here during the Jewish expulsion likely gave way to Gentile leadership and tensions arose when the Jews returned. This led to questions regarding who/what is a Jew, who are the elect of God, and Jewish dietary laws and keeping Sabbath.

    Occassion and Purpose:
    Paul seeks to use the city as a launchpoint for going West to evangelize Spain.
    He disarms his opponents who challenge his apostolic authority and who would be threatened by his establishing himself in the city.
    Paul seeks to heal any rift between the Jewish and Gentile believers by explaining both the Jewish and Gentile character of the Gospel and God's promises to Israel and the Gentiles.
  5. State in 1 sentence/phrase the theme of 2 Corinthians.
    We should not rely on ourselves but on God.
  6. State in 1 sentence/phrase the theme of Romans.
    “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile [literally, the Greek].
  7. Explain (in 1 sentence each) Paul’s three purposes for writing Romans. (Sect. 11.3)
    • 1. Paul seeks to use Rome as launch point for going west to evangelize Spain.
    • 2. Paul disarms his opponents who challenge his apostolic authority and who would be threatened by his establishing himself in Rome.
    • 3. Paul seeks to heal any rift between Jewish and Gentile believers by explaining both the Jewish and Gentile character of the Gospel and God’s promises to Israel and the Gentiles.
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Lecture 3: Pauline Lit and Theology
Lecture 2: Pauline Lit and Theology, VLI, Lecture, Winter 2012