Midterm 1 Essay

  1. What are the three genres of Italian secular music in the 14th century?
    Ballata, Madrigal, and Caccia
  2. Madrigal: Name 1 song and its composer, discuss.
    Jacopo da Bologna's Non Al Sua Amante. This piece, specifically, demonstrates several characteristics that is of the Italian style. Such as the first and alast accenterd syllabes of each line of poetry are set with long melismas. It also features rhythmic variety and fluidity.
  3. Madrigal: Time?
    The entirety of the 14th C.
  4. Madrigal: Discuss
    A song for two or three voices without instrumental accompiament. All the voices are sung on the same text. Consists of two or more three-lined stanzas, ach set to the same music, followed by two closing lines called the ritornello. The form is aab.
  5. Caccia: Name 1 song and its composer, discuss.
    Gheradello da Firenze's Tost che l'alba. Cacce do not feature regular poetic form but do have ritornellos like in the madrigal.
  6. Caccia: Time?
    It was popular around 1345 to 1370.
  7. Caccia: Discuss
    A popular-style melody that is set in strict canon to lively and graphically descriptive words. Features two voices in canon at the unison and, unlike its counterparts, it has a free untexted tenor in slower motion below.
  8. Ballata: Name 1 song and its composer.
    Fancesco Landini's Non Avrà Ma' Pietà.
  9. Ballata: Time?
    Late 14th C. to early 15th C.
  10. Ballata: Discuss
    The form of a ballata is AbbaA. With Landini's charming 3rd and 6ths', graceful vocal melodies that move by step, and syncopated rhythms, he was said to have created smoother pieces that Mahaut. Like with the madrigal, melismas on the first and penultimate syllables of a poetic line.
  11. Ballata: What is special about this genre?
    The Landini candence, or rather the Landini decoration, which is when the upper voice descends to the lower neighbor tone and then skips a third up. Typically moves between ^7-^6-^8.
  12. What are the three genres of French secular music in the 14th century?
    Called formes fixes: virelai, rondeau, and ballade
  13. Virelai: Discuss
    The most popular genre and it features text and music repetition that includes a refrain. The typical virelai has three stanzas, each proceded and foloowed by this refrain.
  14. Virelai: Name 1 song and composer, discuss.
    Machut's Foy Porter, which demonstrates the AbbaA form of the virelai and describes the feeling of love.
  15. Rondeau: Discuss
    Has only one stanza, framed by a refrain that includes both sections of music used for the stanza. Centered on themes of love and for two or three voices. The form is ABaAabAB.
  16. Rondeau: Name 1 piece and its composer.
  17. Ballade: Discuss
    More serious of the three formes fixes. Typically consists of three stanzas, each sung to the same music and each eding with the same line of poetry, which serves as a refrain. The form is aabC. Often the two "a" sections have different endings, the first opended and the second closed. Machaut typically wrote ballads with two-four voices.
  18. Ballade: Name 1 one piece and its composer
    Machaut's Rose, liz, printemps, verdure.
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Midterm 1 Essay
Music history 330 midterm 1 essay questions